Help for my project


I want to do a project on J2me where from my mobile I can lock the car , switch off my light and can be able to different household works .Can anybody provide me some tutorials or suggestion so thath I can proceed for my project ?? plz provide some idea:(
you dont need j2me for that :p

just a mic, DTMF decoder IC connected to a microcontroller, which controls a whole bunch of relays :p

but then again, thats how us electrical/electronics engineers think :D

i guess a comp sci guy would go about it differently :ashamed:
well .. when you want to on/off things then its relay.

should look like this mobile(j2me)-network(TCP/IP)-PC-PIC(C++)-Relay- Light

You need to go thru many steps. but first step will be how to play with micro controller and relay. I have done some C++ stuffs that was quite simple. google should help. As i also cant remember the whole stuffs after few years.