Laptops Help-genuine repair shops/personal for HP Laptop Motherboard Repair in Bangalore

Hi Guys,

i have a HP laptop which is nearly 3 years old n out of warranty, its motherboard has got kaput recently, i gave it to service centre, they mentioned that they cant do a motherboard's component level repair n i should replace the complete motherboard of the laptop, they qouted me a 21k for replacing the motherboard:no:, n i was like :huh:

well as a result i purchased a new macbook for myself,but now this laptop is lying around unused, thats y i am plannin to get it repaired, please suggest me repair shops in bangalore(sp road etc) which can do component level repairing.

would appreciate your help.


there is one microworld shop at sp road, 3rd floor, shop no 1 or 3 not sure. its at the entrance of SP road. they are well versed in this job, you can try there.
@vteccom, @fahrenheit, @archish thanks guys for your suggestions, i have given my laptop to one of the dealers i know in sp road, he in turn gave to a service center(i dont know the name), the dealer is quite reliable and i have been dealing with him for quite some time, i have been qouted 4400 for the repair, which includes nvidia chipset replacement, with service charges and i have been told that some components are weak(ic etc) in the motherboard n they need replacement, would be provided with 3 months post service warranty, i hope the diagnosis is correct and i am not charged more

perhaps i can seek help from vtecComp if this diagnosis seems correct, would appreciate your word on this, my hp comp model is hp dv5118 tx bought in may 2006

^replied to your pm

never go to s.p road if you are in blore :) that could be my first suggestion, first go to service centre, get the problem diagnosed and then take laptop outside, laptop repairs are a risky game.

even the most reliable can do mistakes and the fact is that many of these repair shops are not reliable so chances of your laptop getting repaired decreases sadly :(

i would suggest you to look around, i remember some one contacted me from techenclace for repair, he seems to be good, but by that time i had already given my laptop in sp road.

browse through tech enclave, get the contact details, meet them personally, check their history if you can.

P.S - i had a really bad experience recently in SP road, the guy took my notebook to chennai as he states, got my motherboard lost and what not, said he cant find the motherboard, n then suddenly got it back, i was left helpless and got the laptop returned in same state, infact in a much worst state, scratches all over n what not, i had a horrible experience, i would never ever suggest any one to get things done at sp road, blore.