Help:How to get invites in BWT

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Hey guys i am a member in bwt and ahve uploaded around 12gb...
and my ratio is >3 but still i havent got any invitations..
CAn anyone help and tell me how to get invitations in BWT??:huh:
rajeshk84 said:
it usually takes a lot of time.
i got invites after i uploaded some 80-90 Gbs and my ratio was 1.7

i got it after uploading 8 GB's i.e Only 8 GB's and soon as i used my 5 invites i was give another 5..the same day :D
i used to download only ratio free stuff from bwt as my usual needs used to be satiated @ desitorrents.

So my uploads used to count and my ratio was something like 3.60 .. and i was offered invites within the frst month itself i guess..

All my torrents were ratio free and even then i used to shut them only wen they had touched 1+ regarding the ratio ..

and so i got my invites cuz i was more into Community service.. :P

I have used up 11 and stil am left with 9 more.. and with my ratio stil on the +ve side, i think i ll be offered more wenever i exhaust my quota..

Hope my case wil clear the doubts and provide a sure shot way to earn the reps in the eyes of mods..

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