help info please

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Hello All

Anyone please tell me from where in bangalore i can buy modded xbox 360 core and pro and what abt the prices for both modded please tell me shop name and number thx help me i am new in bangalore
Goto Sukhsagar mall next to National market..Its near the Majestic area..ull find the modded console there..Not sure about the prices..
thx indrajeet for info anyone please tell me specific shop and prices any trusted shop i am here first time in bangalore
First shop on the right as soon as u enter sukh sagar mall generally stocks these consoles..Remember to bargain..Regarding trust no idea man..sorry never bought anything that expensive without warranty...and mind u xbox360 has a known think before you buy...
Red Ring of death...look it up on the internet man..reportedy around 30%of all consoles get this if u r one of the unlucky ones..well ur pretty much screwed since other than the Original XBOX360 with warranty from microsoft(3years) nobody will give more than three days testing warranty...
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