Help me choosing console

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Get a Ps2 or PSP, it'll be perfect.

I'll suggest going unmodded, original stuff (games cost like 500-1500, cheaper on or if you're going modded, take really good care of the lenses. DVD-R's (pirated games) stress out the lens on the PS2 much quicker leading to Disk Reading problems in 6-8 months where you'll have to get the lens changed for another Rs.2000 or so if you want to improve the performance.

Also, NEVER. BUY. FAKE. CONTROLLERS! I'm speaking from experience since I'm a long time owner of modded PS2's and have made over a 100 visits to Palika Bazaar - The fake Dualshock 2's always, always lack the joystick movement sensitivity - which is required in many games, specially the driving ones. If you go modded, make sure you get a "box packed", Sony certified Dualshock 2 or a box packed Logitech one (wired or unwired), emphasis on box packed. They will say the open ones are original, but trust me...they can't sell original DS2's opened up.
Come on guys why PS2???? So what if his son is in 7th standard..... Do u think just because he is in 7th standard he won't be able to play on next gen consoles...

Didn't we all know the difference between a psOne and Ps2 (or whatever consoles were available at that time)when we were young (in 7th standard to be precise)??

If it was me I wud really go for something thats futureproof .. instead of going for a last gen gaming console......
look at this budget. on top of that PS2 is still selling almost as much as PS3 even today, with new games coming out for at least 2-3 years more, and has a huge backlog of fantastic games already that will take the kids entire lifetime to finish. Also, to utilize full beauty of PS3/X360, he must also have an HDTV, if he doesn't already have it that's 20,000+ more to spend on.
scarezebra said:
Come on guys why PS2???? So what if his son is in 7th standard..... Do u think just because he is in 7th standard he won't be able to play on next gen consoles...
Didn't we all know the difference between a psOne and Ps2 (or whatever consoles were available at that time)when we were young (in 7th standard to be precise)??
If it was me I wud really go for something thats futureproof .. instead of going for a last gen gaming console......
That's totally your opinion. A little fun fact for you though, it doesn't matter what age group you belong to, a Playstation 2 is just as much fun as any other console. Heck I still play with my PS2 & pick up some old title every now & then. It's not like the graphics are so dated that you wouldn't even bother touching it. Also Wii is not a next-generation console. Xbox 360 & PS3 is out of the OP's budget range, if you have taken a close look at it.
11,000 rs for the wii,is a waste of money for japanese one.what makes you think a kid can understand japanese.go for the ps2 or the english choice 14k x360 arcade unmodded
PS2 is cheap, good and has plenty of titles, and many are still being released. ANyways, I believe the thread starter has made the decision, so mods can close this thread..
Params7 said:
Get a Ps2 or PSP, it'll be perfect.

+1 to that. For <10k, a PSP or PS2 makes the best choice.

As for people suggesting Wii, do consider that Wii is fun only if you have a bunch of friends sitting along with you. Its choice of titles are not so fun if you wanna play by yourself. Also You have to consider the space constraints. You need a decent amount of obstacle free space to be able to play games on the Wii as they should be.
because i'm playing on it almost every alternate weekends at my friends home..titles that i have checked are nfs carbon, wwf, cricket 07 etc...btw more or less its a personal opinion...
Dude I play it everyday & depends on what you're comparing it with. Have you tried God of War I & II? Resident Evil 4? Tekken 5? WWE Raw V/S Smackdown 2009?

They look stunning to me. I don't see how that makes them look crappy on a CRT TV? :S

Anyway I have to cut short out here. The thread has served is purpose. Hope the mods close it.
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