Help me identify this font

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Using Picasa, I had wrote some captions on my photos, before my computer crashed. Luckily, I found the photos alongwith the printed captions (I exported the pics with the captions in small size from Picasa for upload).

Now, I want to print those pics, and I do have them in bigger resolution. But I can't find the font which I used to write on the photos. I am attaching few pics with that font. I would be very thankful if someone recognizes/finds this font. This was a free font downloaded from net recently, so its certainly not a long lost font.



Hmm.... I can't tell you the exact type of that font. But, I am damn sure it is of kind -->"Outline font"...:console:. I will suggest you, to search for outline fonts on any search engine.. Hope this will satisfy you..:hap2:
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