Help me spend my money...

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rohan30186 said:
1. Invest. I know about that :P
2. Xbox360 slim + KINECT / PS3 + Move Not much interested in gaming. Maybe after 4-5 years when my kid is older
3. Bluray player/media HD player For a 29" crt? :P :no:
4. 2TB external Hdd I buy hdds as and when required. Nothing really exciting about a new hdd
5. Iphone.Ipad Am allergic to itunes
6. 40inch TV after reselling urs keeping it in the living room means it'll only be used for watching marathi soaps and news I might get to watch a movie once a month
how about something along the lines of creating/improving the home network/adding a DIY fileserver/adding an HTPCish box at the TV side

Have only one PC and a 29" CRT at the moment. So not much use for networking/htpc etc.
Keep the ideas coming! :D
Get a 32" LCD and keep it in your bedroom instead. Hook it to your PC/media player and stream the media. :P
6pack said:
when you are out of ideas, ask your family what they want and gift it to them.
Best Suggestion so far IMHO :)

OT: We have same gears (1000D + 18-55mm IS + 50mm F1.8), I do see you get a great sharpness even indoors, while I'm struggling to achieve the same even outdoors :S Please share some tips.
Parv said:
OT: We have same gears (1000D + 18-55mm IS + 50mm F1.8), I do see you get a great sharpness even indoors, while I'm struggling to achieve the same even outdoors :S Please share some tips.
Don't know... I usually just keep the cam in Av mode, and point and click. Then I use noise ninja, and unsharp mask in PS.
Invest,invest,invest saheb.. 5k a month now in good equity diversified funds will give you ~12 lakhs by the time she's 10...

Heck, Union Bank have a scheme out right now, recurring deposit, where 5k a month for the next 10 years (6L investment) will give you ~10.13 lakhs..
The following are the options:
1. Get a NetBook
2. Get a high end gfx card and play latest games
3. A Sony PSP with many new games for your lil daughter
4. High End Home Theatre System
5. Get a high end bluetooth stereo headset(me planning to buy one :-))
6. How about a MFD for home use?
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