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i was using WD HDD SATA with windows XP recently i formatted my drive and after formatting my HDD became undedectable even in BIOS its not dedected
i got a new HDD samsung SATA dedected in BIOS did the partitions setup files copy as normal system reboots after coping files to start installation and then the msg appears cannot install windows no blue screen no error code.
i got my WD HDD replaced BUT still it doesn't dedects on my system even in BIOS
i hav intel 915GAG mobo
so now how can i make my WD HDD work on system and install windows XP
Q1: The WD HDD that you formatted: was it the one with the OS on it, or was it a secondary drive? If it was a secondary drive, where is the primary that had the OS on it?

Q2: What utility are you using to format it?

Q3: For an Intel newbie like me - is the SATA port native or hooked up to a controller chip? If it is on a controller chip you will need to load drivers on a floppy. I assume this is not the case, as you have repeatedly said in the past. Please confirm this is true.

Q4: Do the two disks work fine on another board? If so, your board is the culprit.

This smells of a board problem/issue and not a drive malfunction.
the OS was on the WD HDD which i formatted primary drive
i used the windows disc for partition and for formatting
both my HDD work fine on other systems
my MOBO is ok as i can install windows vista on my samsung HDD
my WD HDD is working fine on other systems but in my system it doesn't even showup in BIOS
If you install Vista, it is impossible to install XP unless you use some tricks and workarounds. I am not aware of what they are as I can't afford Vista just yet. Somebody who's tried out both will be able to tell you what you need to do in order to get the bootloader working properly - I think you've to install Linux or something like that, but I'm not sure. Then you will be able to use the disk to install XP.

Part 2 is your WD HDD, if the original worked on your MB and the replacement is not, then try another replacement. some other stuff to try:

If all these are SATA drives try moving the ports around, if they are IDE interchange primary and secondary.

Also check for the 1.5/3.0 GBPS jumper on the back if there is one.

The power connectors sometimes work loose, check with another power connector/adapter.

Put your ear to the drive and see if it is spinning up.

Try to flash the BIOS of the board once. You can never tell - you may have disabled one of the ports to optimise performance.
i noe i can't install windows XP after installing vista but prob. is that i can't install XP in first place
my WD HDD works fine on other systems so HDD is ok
one more thing is that no WD HDD dedects on my system tried many
was using WD HDD for years use to format my drive every month or two but this time i don't noe what happend
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