Monitors Help....Monitor Screen Turns Yellow

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Recently i have been having a strange kinda problem with my samsung 793MB monitor.
sometimes,the monitor screen just turns yellow on the top left side of the ne text/image appearing near tht side will be having a yellow coating on top of it.
it used to go away after a few mins but this thing has stayed there for almost 2 days now and has me worried(as i initially thought it was some magnetic filed or something).
cant show u guys how it looks coz if i use the "print" button and save image then tht 'daag' wont get saved:D i am guessing its a prob with the screen only.
is it the monitor only or can it be my GFX card(FX 5200 STOCK)??
tried removing the VGA cable and re-pluggin it in but still doesnt help.
searched in google....
found this:-
now acc to the 2nd post there my monitor is due to fail??
ive bought this monitor hardly a yr ago.
pls help me guys.
thnx in advance,
as you have said when you print images then theres no shading so i guess we can eliminate your graphics card from equation.

try degaussing the monitor first, see if patch goes. also move any speakers other electronic devices from near the monitor.
Try degaussing. It should work. Otherwise try shaking the vga cable. My monitor is suffering from chronic jaundice nowadays. I have to replace the cable. But the guy will take 2 days to do it, which I don't like. So am living with "yellow" til I get my new monitor.

If under warranty - which it should be - phone Samsung 1600 110011 ..... their service is TERRIFIC !!

Last month they fixed my old 17" 75E monitor which is out of warranty free of charges and they did not even ask date of purchase.
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tried degaussing ...dint help.
the damn jaundice still remains.:(
thnx zopduey,easy and dipdude.
abt the VGA cable.....i dont know whether i can replace it or not since its FIXED at the monitors end.
@easy thanks man will call em now
lets see how it goes.think this monitor is still under warranty.
i'va had this problem before. Its the monitor messing up, nothing else.

First time, i shaked it off the cable, but then later it stuck.

Ended up getting selling it for an 15'' LCD instead..but i'm sure it can be fixed though.

But its the monitor, clearing that up.
the problem was the MAGNETIC FIELD only.
moved PC to the other room and evrythings fine now.:)
thnx again to all the guys who helped me.
Asky said:
the problem was the MAGNETIC FIELD only.
moved PC to the other room and evrythings fine now.:)
thnx again to all the guys who helped me.
Pretty drastic solution there. Couldn't you do something about the source of the mag field?
Another thing about the cable possibility - IMHO this could have been suspected only if the jaundice was all over the screen. A cable problem should not cause selective jaundice.
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