Help!Need to decide which game to buy?

Do you want a shooter or third person action? Multiplayer (with crap story) or story and characters (with multiplayer afterwards)? Short and sweet or long and engaging? Open world or corridors? Really the games are vastly different, shouldn't be a hard choice.
If you want to go for Multiplayer, wait for Rainbow Six Siege or Tom Clancy's: The Division. I played the Siege Closed Beta and it was awesome. After playing COD 4 competitive, siege feels promising and there will be SEA server also.
As for COD: AW, I have to wait for like 15-20 minutes to find a host and most of the times pings are too high to play the game.
If single player experience is very important, COD might not satisfy on that front. Since you are mentioning internet, I'm assuming Multiplayer is an important aspect for you. But as mentioned above, these games belong to two completely different genres. Please mention what games you have played and enjoyed earlier and also IF you have played any earlier games in both these franchises.

what do your friends want to play? GTA online you can do only so much alone. In cod at least you can stomp on 14 year olds as they shout obsenities about your mother.
Woah ,Woah guys , I just gave the intrenet because which is like playable with that intrenet.
I have played gta and enjoyed it so much:GTA V for ps3 , GTA 4 etc
but I have also played and enjoyed COD 4
The thing is I only played Minecraft fully on pc.
If it is just one game, I say Witcher 3. It stands head and shoulders above any game released this year. It's not just a game, it's a monumental achievement in story telling.
What's the platform you're looking for? PS3 or pc? And in above post you've mentioned you're already played gta 5.
Even I'd like to know if I can get into witcher 3 without playing the earlier two.