Help needed: Broken FPS in Farcry2 with my config

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guys, a bit of help. am running FC 2 on XP 32bit SP2. C2D E6420, ASUS MB, 1GB Dual Channel RAM, 8800GT with v180 beta driver.

the prob. i keep facing is that the game freezes intermittently. i have to kill FC 2 in order to get back to my desktop but when i do so my res. automatically changes to 800*600 with 4bit colour (yes 4bit) and i can't change it and upon hitting the "End Process"; to kill FC 2, my monitor goes to standby mode and doesn't turn on until i restart the PC. i did everything possible, even going as far as installing a Fix to sort of emulate Dx10 on XP, but without any results. FC 2 is a legit copy btw. any help will be appreciated.
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