Help Needed!!

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Hey guyz...m in deep shit...
i own da foll rig {confg}
AMD X2 4000+{brisbane}
Transcend 512MB*2 DDRII{667}
Point of View 8500GT {256MB}
Seagate 250GB SATA2

i had overclocked the cpu only by increasin the FSB n Multiplier set to 10.5
The Vcore in locked a can't do nethin bt is Vdimm:@
Neway..i pushed da FSB to a nice 260 givin me 2730 Mhz...Even da HT multiplier is locked:( :( ..all while still n stock HSF.

Also i overclockd my GFX card using RivaTuner....Set the core to 540 Mhz frm 459{default} n da memory to 450..
The problem..wenever i try 2 play in GFX intensive games..i get some Stack error..only games i can play is CS..also...most of da movies i play comes in garbled display of blue n it whether VLC or WMP..tried with da latest
forceware drivers but in vain...i underclckd my whole system n put everythin on default setttings..but nw allthough i get no lag like crazy...i get 12FPS:@ :@ in FARCRY..even on lowest settings...
Is der nething particular i gotta do? of my frnds told me dat i got errors cz i kept da memory settings intact while oc..hw do i d dat??
Plz guyz..m in real trouble ...
Wolverine said:
Hey guyz...m in deep shit...
i own da foll rig {confg}
AMD X2 4000+{brisbane}
Transcend 512MB*2 DDRII{667}
Point of View 8500GT {256MB}
Seagate 250GB SATA2
i had overclocked the cpu only by increasin the FSB n Multiplier set to 10.5
The Vcore in locked a can't do nethin bt is Vdimm:@
Neway..i pushed da FSB to a nice 260 givin me 2730 Mhz...Even da HT multiplier is locked:( :( ..all while still n stock HSF.
Also i overclockd my GFX card using RivaTuner....Set the core to 540 Mhz frm 459{default} n da memory to 450..
The problem..wenever i try 2 play in GFX intensive games..i get some Stack error..only games i can play is CS..also...most of da movies i play comes in garbled display of blue n it whether VLC or WMP..tried with da latest
forceware drivers but in vain...i underclckd my whole system n put everythin on default setttings..but nw allthough i get no lag like crazy...i get 12FPS:@ :@ in FARCRY..even on lowest settings...
Is der nething particular i gotta do? of my frnds told me dat i got errors cz i kept da memory settings intact while oc..hw do i d dat??
Plz guyz..m in real trouble ...
:O :O
You sure Brisbanes take in 1.9v?? :(
200mph said:
^ dude under clock a bit. may be to 2.4 or so. run orthos for stability and then play games.

I underclockd it bak 2 it's normal default speed...den overclockd it again 2 2.4Ghz...set da memory speed to 667Mhz....i was gettin some paging error:S :S ... got no clue wat is??
I reinstalled da whole OS again..flashed da bios...put all da latest drivers..
Got now problems as such...but neway..will try orthos n c
first get the rig orthos stable then try overclocking it.

and underclock ur GPU to stock speeds again.. the weird colour u were getting while playing movies is artifacting.. ur gfx cud not handle the overclock.
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