PC Peripherals HELP!!!! NEW PC for this Dummy!!!

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Hello to All!!
Basically a Biker!!
Now Grounded due to BAD accident!!
First PC!! AMD Athlon64 only!!
GOT o budget of 50K ideally. 60K max!! for simple gaming rig. OCing option favourable!!
*Athlon64 venice- 3000 or 3500?
*Which model NF4ULTRA board? Is DDR2 available for AMD?
*SATA orSATA2 HDD-2x80 RAID0 or single 160? Which brand?
*10K-15K forGFX card- ATi or Nvidia?
*2x512 DDR400- wot brand?
*17" or 19"CRT? Would like 19" with at 75hz+ at 1600x1200x32? wot brand?
*Powersafe500/450/400 or AntecTP550/480/430?
*where can i get Silver WAVEMASTER in Mumbai? Antec which models good?
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

welcome to the te community

this is not the right place to ask this question you should post this is general hardware section.
Wavey is available from itdepot in chennai. Costs around 7.2K+tax. There is no DDR2 AMD as of now. Get a 3000+, good board (DFI which is gonna come soon to india is a killer) and 2G of RAM + a nice video card.
Switch, Chaos and everyone else, THANK YOU very much!!:hap2:
Please pardon my mistake.
Please check my list-
*Venice 3000+- 7200/7900
*ASUS A8NE- 7000
*ATI X800XL-19095/ XFX6600GT256-12250
*Transcend 2x512DDR400- 4900/ Kingston-5500
*SeagateSATA/HitachiSATA2 -160GB
or 2x80SATA2 RAID0
*Liteon combo- 2000
*samsung997DF- 13999/AcerAC715 17" with1600x1200@75-6999
*Antec performanceTX1050AMG-4000/ SLK3700AMB-2000
*Antec TP480 2.0- 5000
*Microsoft Standard optical mouse
*Trution keyboard- 450 :huh:
ditch transcend, get twinmos..better RAM

Antec TX1050 for 4K only??? where????

get a DVD writer dude :P the BenQ 1640 is just 3250 odd...

Switch, Chaos and everyone else, THANK YOU very much!!:hap2:

Please pardon my mistake.

Please check my list-

*Venice 3000+- 7200/7900

*ASUS A8NE- 7000

*ATI X800XL-19095/ XFX6600GT256-12250

*Transcend 2x512DDR400- 4900/ Kingston-5500

*SeagateSATA/HitachiSATA2 -160GB

or 2x80SATA2 RAID0

*Liteon combo- 2000

*samsung997DF- 13999/AcerAC715 17" with1600x1200@75-6999

*Antec performanceTX1050AMG-4000/ SLK3700AMB-2000

*Antec TP480 2.0- 5000


*Microsoft Standard optical mouse

*Trution keyboard- 450 :huh:

Get the Sapphire X800XL which should be around 16-17k and better than powercolour which is priced @ 19k. Another thing you can do is get the Sapphire x800GTO priced arnd 13k or so ;). You dont get a 1050AMG for 5k its nearly 9k. slk3700bqe is for 5k with the 350W psu. Yeah try to squeeze in a Benq 1640 if possible.
Thanks!! Sorry for the confusion!!
Cabinet prices approx without resp PSUs!! Will i get sapphire and TwinMos in MUMBAI!!
Don't know if i require DVD Writer!! everyone is welcome to downgrade/upgrade if required. When will DFI be available? Shopping scheduled for 1st week of OCT2005.
recommend Good sound, comfortable Headphones!!
Thank you once again!!!!!!!
Nopes, DFI wont come so soon.

Better get a DVD-Writer, it'll be useful sometime or the other ;)

Also the cabinets are 8.8k and 4.7k respectively.

For the headphones get the Zalman 5.1 for 2k or get some Altec Lansing phones for 1.5k
AMD Athlon 64 Venice 3000+

ADA = Amd athlon 64
3000 = 3000+ running at 1.8Ghz
AA4BP is for Venice Core

below it is written some thing like
Where here XXXX is our concern it shud be 0517 or 0518 or 0519 etc.. now whats this
05 is year 2005 and 17/18/19 is week or that cpu manufacture.
the best is 17th week and its hard to find here.
The YYYY can be EPAW,DPMW,etc.... any shit the PAW's are better
whats special about this 17th week venice is oc's to 3Ghz on air but ASUS wont let
you take it to 3Ghz but you can reach like 2.5-2.7Ghz with 17th week Venice.
But there is one place in mumbai where u can get a 17th week Venice
that is Mnemonic Systems , borivali hurry there and get ur Venice asap.
Ask "Funky Monkey" for Mnemonics address

So what will you look for on the processor
the EPAW is the best and tried and test Venice which overclocks gr8 3 of them have it
I am too getting that 0517 EPAW from Funky,
he kept it for me will use it on my DFI Ultra-D ;)

A8NE= 7000/-
Close ur eyes and get it dont get MSI

160GB SATA2 hitachi/samsung/seagate SATA
SATA 2 and SATA1 has not perf diff currently get SATA normal not SATA 2 not worth it
it costs higher thats it.
Get Segate 160GB Sata - 5yrs warranty.

Get a Gainward 6600GT from Mediatech India , for contacts check master hardware contact
list in general hardware section.

Get orignal hynix DDR400 D43 chip 2x512MB they oc well , better than twinmos also
some times.
Get Hynix from Mnemonic systems there you will get orignal hynix rams.
Sony DRU810A(Switch said Benq1640 is best and cheap, he's been constantly answering all my Qs!!
Get Benq DW 1640 , way better and cheaper than Sony , you can get it at
computer selection at lammy.

Philips 19" Flat CRT/ samsung997DF, Switch says samsung, darky is happy with his 21"philips
Get the Samsung 997DF best for 19 inch
How much wattagw reqd with room for some more h/w and wot model would you prefer for my specs.
AntecTP2.0 480= 4947/-, TP2.0 430= 4000+/-,/Powersafe500= 3500/-;

If u have the money for Antec True power 2.0 480W its the one to get.
If not TP 480 then TP 430
Else get a Powersafe 450W 24Pin for Rs2600 , will handle ur Rig.

Initially thought of silver wavey, but availablity? then super lan boy but size and no filter. Slk 3700AMB has higher CFM fans than Super lan boy.My place quite dusty, no AC, so was considering cabby with good venti+intake filter.
So thought of Antec TX1050= 9607/- with SP500, TX 1088AMG= 11601/- with TP2.0 480. Switch said filter avoidable by usin "Scotch Brite". he also said
If hav the Moolah, then P180 or Cm stacker, else anything big and roomy. Darky said P180 for cool, quiet, shut it- forget it perfomance but not exactly OCing. Else VIP ZB-01 for price, sturdiness and OCing.

Antec 3700BQE or AMB ne one you get comes without powersupply at 3120 including tax.
From Prime ABGB , if u have the money then Super Lanboy for sure.

If u have the money then P180 is the cabby to get only 13000 ;)
Also severe voltage fluctuations since Reliance.
Sometimes, tubelight goes OFF-ON within 1sec.
My WEGA TV's been to service center twice in 2 yrs,
Wot di need to protect my Rig? rating+brand?

Get a UPS cant suggest the brand ask some one else abt it as i donno

M/S STD optical mouse, Trution k/b(reco by a good frnd)
Kbd and mouse ur choice
13K is with the PSU...

Also Quady if MSi and ASUS were equally priced then i would have picked up the Neo4 Instaed of the A8N E... WHY cause NEO4 Platinum comes with firewire and Dual Giga LAN's... And most importantly the PCB is Black... Makes a nice viewing with a windowed side panel ;)...

P.S. I am so amazed to see that nobody here recommends Stacker to anyone...
Switch said:
13K is with the PSU...

Also Quady if MSi and ASUS were equally priced then i would have picked up the Neo4 Instaed of the A8N E... WHY cause NEO4 Platinum comes with firewire and Dual Giga LAN's... And most importantly the PCB is Black... Makes a nice viewing with a windowed side panel ;)...

P.S. I am so amazed to see that nobody here recommends Stacker to anyone...
I don't think P180 comes with any PSU :s
thanks for everything guys!!

going for P180/Stacker mostly!! Will they b good or Overkill?
Borrowing lots of moolah from pals!!
Antec TP 2.0 480 not available for another 2 weeks at least!!
getting Powersafe 500 for 2800/-!!
Do i go for it?
will it support all the fans in cabby?
Dealer also ready to give standby powersafe to get Rig running till TP2.0 arrives?
Please advice!!
Buy the powersafe... Will not give you any probems IMPO... Make sure its a 24 pin one and not the 20pin one... Take it and tell the dealer that you will return it *if* you feel its not good enough ;)... test it with overclocked setup for a while and if you feel its not got the juice you want renturn it and get a TP 2.0...
P180= 9900/- !! not sure if avai here with 3 120mm tricools or 2 std 120!!
Review at TOM's H/W says diffi to set up to!! No great instruc manual!! But suction great even without optional intakes, great cooling!! Major Dust Magnet!!
Also contacted cooler master guy in mumbai, has CM Stacker stc-to1! 10k+ odd!! He said - will ship Silver WaveMaster(My 1st LOVE) from chennai if availlable!! then will get iball grabit for timebeing!! Any issues with Wavey????
No PSU in them!! TP 2.0 480 not avilable for 2 wks at least!! so will try powersafe500 as standby from dealer.
AntecTX1088AMG with TP2.0 480 for 11,601/-!! is it worth it? will save cash for sure but
Damn confused!!
Thanks to you'll- Config done but confused over cabby!! lol !!
HELP !!!!!!!!!!
Do this.
First forget about the cabinet for a while.
Decide core components of your PC first. Those are more important. If you decide for 50K budget in the end, then you will end up sacrifising heavily on the core components if you buy P180.
First get your core components right. Calculate the price and get the best suitable cabinet in the left over budget. P180 is beauty. No doubt about that.
But I am doubtful how much extra performance advantage it has over say superlanboy ot Antec performance series.
As far as PSU goes the powerface 500 is descent enough.
calculate pricing of CPU, motherbaord, graphic card, Ram, HDDs, Monitor, DVD RW drive.
Calculate the cost of these components. And then decide your budget for cabinet.
This is if you are more into performance than looks. In the end its upto you to decide. but for me its ridiculous to sacrifise performance for looks. And its not like other cabinets are bad. According to the prices you have mentioned on page 1. you will have roughly 6-7K left for cabinet+PSU if you keep 60K budget, thats considering the 6600GT and samsung 997DF.

Now to your question about HDD
HDD : Get a 160GB HDD from any company. It dosent matter much these days. Samsung and Seagate both are good enough. If thats not enough get 1 more. If you want to setup raid 0 then i would sugget get 2x80GB and 1 additional 120GB PATA HDD for critical data backup. I am telling this bcoz if something happens to even 1 drive in raid 0 you will loose all your data. So backup important data on th PATA drive if you want to use raid 0.
Ok Chaos the cost as 13K for the P180 was by mistake.
Read it in Darky's post earlier as 9K but couldnt recollect it.

Stacker or P180 both are gr8 cabbies.

Funky has a stacker & darky has a P180 ask them what they feel abt it.

Powersafe 500W is 20Pin PSU.
Powersafe 450W is 24Pin [that also limited edition in mumbai grab it].
Rs 2600
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