41-50k Help regarding GPU purchase (6700xt or 3060ti)

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Mike Messiah

I am torn between these two options
Asus Dual RX 6700 XT 12GB Gaming Graphics Card (₹35,999 ) Mdcomputer
Inno3d RTX 3060 Ti Twin X2 LHR 8GB Graphics Card (₹39,999) Mdcomputers
Which one to buy?
Is the DLSS 2.0 better or the FSR 2.0?
(I am using a 1080p 144hz monitor)
Or should i wait for mid range RX7000 series and RTX 4000 series?
Currently using Ryzen 5 5600x and GTX1070 on a Antec VP500PC power supply (500W). I am planning to buy Adata Core Reactor 750W Mdcomputers alongwith the GPU which will put my budget between 40-50k. However i can go higher if necessary.
I am using a B350 Motherboard that was around 7k when i bought it. Will i need to upgrade to a better PSU for these Graphic cards?
RTX 3060ti is the slightly better performer and also it supports DLSS as well as FSR. If price difference is not a factor, consider the RTX instead of AMD.

For PSU, Nvidia recommends a 600w PSU, I am using 3060ti on a 550w without any problems. You can underclock the graphics card in case you want to save some bucks or else get a new high quality PSU to save headache later.
IMHO, Look for a used 3060ti non-mined (Somthing like Zotac with extended warranty activated, from the graphic card u have now you are looking for some long-term reliance).
Grab it and upgrade your PSU to the Antec EAG 750 or any of your choices with 7-10 years warranty so later even when u upgrade In the future you have PSU with enough juice.
There's 2 chapters answering your queries, one at 2:48 regarding DLSS vs FSR and the other at 8:49 regarding 3060Ti vss 6700XT
Tldw; if its just gaming, 6700XT seems to be a better buy (price to perf) unless you are a person who would be playing games with Ray Tracing on.
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for average consumer FSR 2.0+ and DLSS wont have very noticeable difference. RX 6700XT can sometimes even trade blows with 3070 in raw fps. Raytracing is ofcourse better in RTX cards but no one is turning them on for loss of frames which can go below 60fps.

- my suggestion would be to go with radeon as you have ryzen CPU so you can get more out of your GPU with SAM.
- your motherboard could be the limiting factor but unless you plan to get another AM4 CPU in future, I won't upgrade it for now. (unless you can find some other use for that MB)
- waiting for mid range of next gen GPU would not be ideal if you want to upgrade in couple months as these cards won't come out until march-may. And currently, with lot of previous series cards, they might even delay the launch.
Please enlighten the forum members as well to know how to check what kind of workloads the hardware has gone through.
You won't know that...no one can know that.....only that if there is lot of sticky dust u can contemplate that it is mined and also if bill has multiple cards in it then it is mined. Otherwise take the sellers words.
You won't know that...no one can know that.....only that if there is lot of sticky dust u can contemplate that it is mined and also if bill has multiple cards in it then it is mined. Otherwise take the sellers words.
It was sarcasm bro :facepalm: The person said look for a "non-mined" GPU as if they knew how to check it.
I am torn between these two options
Asus Dual RX 6700 XT 12GB Gaming Graphics Card (₹35,999 ) Mdcomputer
Inno3d RTX 3060 Ti Twin X2 LHR 8GB Graphics Card (₹39,999) Mdcomputers
Which one to buy?
Is the DLSS 2.0 better or the FSR 2.0?
(I am using a 1080p 144hz monitor)
Or should i wait for mid range RX7000 series and RTX 4000 series?
Currently using Ryzen 5 5600x and GTX1070 on a Antec VP500PC power supply (500W). I am planning to buy Adata Core Reactor 750W Mdcomputers alongwith the GPU which will put my budget between 40-50k. However i can go higher if necessary.
I am using a B350 Motherboard that was around 7k when i bought it. Will i need to upgrade to a better PSU for these Graphic cards?
1070 is aging but i still think you can drag it for next 6 months . in up comming months we will see bloodbath in GPU market so go for 40 series or RX7000 no point in clinging to 3060ti or 6700xt
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I'm in a similar boat as you are. If you are not in a hurry I'd suggest you should wait a couple of months for the mid-tier cards to be released. Prices of older generation cards will have fallen by then as well.
Here's how my experience has been so far while looking for used 3060Tis both here as well as on FB/OLX.

Zotac 3060Ti (1 year old) - Rs.25500
MSI 3060Ti Gaming X (5 months old) - Rs.26500
Gigabyte 3060Ti Eagle (4 months old) - Rs.26000
Galax 3060Ti LHR (14 months old) - Rs.22000
3060Ti FE (1 year old) - Rs.27000

Don't buy new as it doesn't make sense paying the premium since newer mid-range ones are only 6-8 months away and prices for used ones mostly range anything from between 25-27k for non-mining and 22-24k for mining GPUs, I'm mostly going for the Galax one since the seller is local + 22k is a really good price for a 3060Ti with 22 months warranty left.
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Here's how my experience has been while looking for used 3060Tis both here as well as on FB/OLX.

Zotac 3060Ti (1 year old) - Rs.25500
MSI 3060Ti Gaming X (5 months old) - Rs.26500
Gigabyte 3060Ti Eagle (4 months old) - Rs.26000
Galax 3060Ti LHR (14 months old) - Rs.22000
3060Ti FE (1 year old) - Rs.27000

Don't buy new as it doesn't make sense paying the premium since newer mid-range ones are only 6-8 months away and prices for used ones mostly range anything from between 25-27k for non-mining and 22-24k for mining GPUs, I'm mostly going for the Galax one since the seller is local + 22k is a really good price for a 3060Ti.
Can you recommend some fb groups for buying used GPUs?
There are a couple of 3060ti on sale on TE itself. In fact even I have posted one .
Like others mentioned, one cant really check for how a GPU has been used other than the seller’s word so best course of action would be to speak to seller / discuss over a chat and make an assessment.

To be fair to those who are selling, the recent changes have had a double impact - a glut of used (but abused) cards but also an upgrade trigger for existing gaming rig users who were looking to upgrade for a while (and thus rendering existing good cards redundant)..

But yeah, it can be hard to tell the two apart.. as a rule of thumb though, you are far more likely to find the abused category on fb marketplace
Can you recommend some fb groups for buying used GPUs?

Acro for gamers

There are a few reputed resellers on there.
Stick to local sellers so that you can go test the card personally and do a f2f deal, look for GPU's no older than 8-9 months if you're worried about running into mining GPUs.
I've been looking for 2 weeks and I already found a 14 month old Galax 3060Ti LHR for 22k, will be going to the person's place to test and decide accordingly.
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