Help required to connect BSNL Siemens ADSL Router to Netgear Wireless Router

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I have a BSNL Siemens ADSL router working in bridge mode.
I want to connect it to my Netgear WG614 v5 Router so that my lappy can have wireless access to internet.

I read up a lot of guides and did shuffle a lot of cables for two days.:(
End result....I end up posting on The Forum.

Looking for some desperate help people. :S
This should be straight forward.

Connect the cable from your ADSL modem to the RJ45 port of the Netgear router(must be of different colour than other ports), then connect your router to your PC/laptop for configuring your router/wi-fi network and that's all you have to do.

It might be possible that either your modem or router is faulty.
You can also do by putting modem in PPPoE mode at WAN, VPI/VCI 0/35, fill the required fields to complete PPPoE setup. Now connect RJ45 cable from modem to WAN/Internet port of the router and PC RJ45 to any of 1-2-3-4 ports, set PC network adapter to obtain IP address automatically. Access admin page of router by (Verify router address with ipconfig /all from command prompt) Do Internet setup with BSNL username/password, enable DHCP server in LAN, enter SSID, security level shared, encryption 128bit, network password in wireless setup.

Search for router SSID in Lappy Wifi adapter, once found fill in network password, set this wifi adapter to obtain IP automatically. If all went good, lappy and PC both will have wireless Internet access and file sharing.
Thanks virus32 n vivacious.
I was able to set up the routers to the desired...though needed a bit of goggling and lots of patience.

Thanks Again.
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