I recently bought a brand new Arduino Nano.
When programming, I faced uploading issue even with the basic Blink example.
I came to know that chinese/clone Arduino Nano has this issue from years.
The only solution is to update its Bootloader using another 'original' Arduino UNO.
If you are in Kolkata area and have a working 'original' Arduino UNO, can you pls help me to update the bootloader of my Arduino Nano?
It will be a great help.
P.S. yes I installed the CHXXX driver, tried it in both Windows 7 and 10, but still uploading error!
I recently bought a brand new Arduino Nano.
When programming, I faced uploading issue even with the basic Blink example.
I came to know that chinese/clone Arduino Nano has this issue from years.
The only solution is to update its Bootloader using another 'original' Arduino UNO.
If you are in Kolkata area and have a working 'original' Arduino UNO, can you pls help me to update the bootloader of my Arduino Nano?
It will be a great help.
P.S. yes I installed the CHXXX driver, tried it in both Windows 7 and 10, but still uploading error!
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