Security Software [Help] Virus problem

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hey guys help me out ...
i connected a pen drive to my PC and got sum virus ...
now i cant see my hidden files and folders...
wenever i click on show hidden files and folders and press OK ... it automatically goes on the option Dont show the hidden files ...
Wat sud i do ???
I am using Avast Home free edition and Symentec Endpoint Protection ... But they r unable to find virus...
wat sud i do ??
plz help asap...
23. I can't see Hidden files/folders in my computer. Even I enable the option "Show hidden files/folders" in "Tools -> Folder Options", its automatically disabled again.

Sol: Open regedit and goto:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden

Under this key, you'll see 2 more keys "NOHIDDEN" and "SHOWALL". Make sure that the values of "CheckedValue" and "DefaultValue" in right-side pane are "2" and "2" for "NOHIDDEN" and "1" and "2" for "SHOWALL" respectively. If its not so, then change them and you'll be able to enable/disable these options in "Folder Options".

You can also alter Hide/unhide settings using registry as following:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Advanced

In right-side pane, change value of "Hidden" to:

1 - To show hidden files

2 - To not show hidden files

From Frequently Asked Problems with Solutions - Tweaking with Vishal
press win+r and type msconfig.

go to startup tab in msconfig dialog.

see there will be some suspicious executable name will be there, uncheck the check box.

Restart your windows and now try to show hidden files and folders and check weather it's working or not.

if it's working then you probably can delete executable file you unchecked in msconfig.
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