41-50k Help with Pricing of PC Parts (Mumbai Lamington Road)

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Hi guys,
I am based in Vadodara, Gujarat.
I was wondering if any of you guys in mumbai can let me know the best market prices for the products I am listing below. I am already aware of the online prices. I wanna know if I will be able to save some money by buying from mumbai shops + the transportation charges instead of buying stuff online.

Thanks in advance.

Motherboard: ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2.0
Graphics Card: ASUS (whatevers available between 10K to 15K) Currently have eyes on 2GB GDDR5 HD7770, HD7850 (open for recommendations from users.)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 or above (if reasonably priced) 4GB x 2.
Keyboard: Logitech G105 Keyboard
Monitor: BenQ (20" to 22") LED monitor Full HD (1920x1080). cheapest variant
HDD: 2TB 7200RPM WD Harddrive + 500 GB 7200 RPM WD Harddrive
I know. They were also active here in TE earlier. Have purchased from them before. But right now there prices are higher than flipkart. I just wanted to know what prices people are getting face to face in lamington road. If differences are significant i wouldn't mind hopping in a train to Mumbai buy my stuff n bring it back with me
I had a talk with my hardware vendor last month, and he told me that it was extremely difficult for the shops at Lamington road to match online prices. He said business was down by more than 60% compared to two years ago.

If you stay on the lookout for deals you'll manage to get stuff cheaper online. But in case your hardwares DOA, then it's a PITA.
Shopping at Lamington is a PITA, but if your dealer's good, then you get pretty good support.
Ok.. Then anyone's had any experience with snap deal n flipkart after service?? Snap deal seems to have cheapest prices as of today. Flipkart does have best prices sometimes but there's a lot of fluctuation. My preference is flipkart but in many products prices differ by as much as 800 bucks.
I've had DOA experience with Flipkart. It was a phone, the phone was overheating significantly, and after I convinced them over phone that it was a case of DOA (it took about 3 calls), they promptly dispatched a new phone, and collected the faulty one - no questions asked.
AFAIK - the pricing for stuff is cheaper in Ahmedabad vs Mumbai - just check. As for online - its a hit or miss. If DOA, then PITA - YMMV.
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