Help with tweaks/settings for better Pings

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Got my copy of Counter Strike Source Yesterday. Finished installing and updating it finally... wheww.. Now that took some time.. :S

Nway, This morning i got into it and checked for servers. The lowest ping server i could get were around 290 for me. Even the Techenclave Gaming server i added and checked out was around 295. So what would be a good ping for me to game?

Now, the games i play online are Warcraft III & Civilization IV. Never had much problems with them. This is my first try with an online FPS game and moreover my first try with Counter Strike. (Total noob here..:)

Can the pros here help me out with any suggestions, tweaks to increase my pings/performance for online CSS gaming? Or is my net connection not fast enough for CSS gaming?:(

My Net connection is a 128kbps Cable internet. Rig is a AthlonXP 2600+ , 6600GT & 1 GB RAM.

Thanks in advance.
Change ur isp :P, thats the only way to get beter pings.
Which ISP btw? if its Sify, u'll get better pings after a few reconnects :P
tifôsi said:
Change ur isp :P, thats the only way to get beter pings.
Which ISP btw? if its Sify, u'll get better pings after a few reconnects :P

ISP is Asianet. Dunno if u'v heard abt but its only in Kerala i suppose..

A change in ISP is the only way around??:huh:


You have to change your ISP.

You cant tweak any ISP for better ping.

Unless, your Customer Support is good, and they can change ur Route to The Servers you play on.
Aditya said:
Unless, your Customer Support is good, and they can change ur Route to The Servers you play on.

How feasible is this? Anything which is easy 4 them to do? Would affect only me??
Thanks to ur guys suggestion, i've changed my ISP plans to a 512 kbps connection from my existing 128kbps.
Pings now hover around between 60-70.. Enough for gaming i suppose.

Thanks for the help, tifôsi and Aditya!!:)
@ Ren... There are no settings in general but make sure you arent downloading anything... Also Airtel gives me and other peeps in delhi pings in the range of 100-120 with a little choke... check with other people in your city... What pings are they getting with Airtel...
I dunno abt CS, but in UnrealTournament, we have a whole lot of settings in the system Config file for UT (*.ini)
Settings such as ClientRate, NetServerTickrate,NetSpeed etc. can be altered. Check if there is a similar thing in CS(i dont have one)
If yes, then i'll post what suits my connection and u can experiment with it.
But lemme clear this point, these adjustments are only minor and wont affect ur pingz very much, but they can be used to clear problems like PlayerLoss.
^^ CS Also has all of that.

Its just thru Console commands.

cl_updaterate (Server to client packets/sec)

cl_cmdrate (Client to server packets/sec)

rate (bandwidth used in b/s)

Ofcourse, Ping depends on Routing first and foremost.

So if your routing is bad. Change ur ISP :P.
If these changes are minor then I guess Ill have to live with it. And I am yet to buy a copy of CSS.
well thanks for that.. till I get CSS ill try my hand again at UT. last time i was getting 350 pings.. a disastor.
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