Linux Help with Ubuntu Server Set Up

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Hi (not sure if this is the appropriate place to post but im not having any luck)

I need some assistance with an ubuntu server set up in particular

we have a dedicated server with 2 ip address
our domain registrar allows the name servers to be allocated and change in mx records etc. etc.

name server configuration / dns set up
postfix mail and related email security
security ip tables

i dont know how to do this and i cant be bothered to read about it ive got too much work to do

are there any forum members that may be able to assist, i would be happy to pay for time, bear in mind I will not provide root access to the machine so this will need to be done on line via a messenger service.

also if someone wants to help for free then i am happy to provide space on my uk 2mbps brand new server as long as you dont host anything illegal or porn or high bandwidth stuff, again no root access.

i understand your need for security on internet by not providing root access but dude seriously it will be more time consuming for you as well as other person who opt to do this through messenger. Why not just get the data center guys do this for you and pay them instead ? assuming it is in data center.
thanks for the advice, but its around 75USD per hour and you just dont know if you will get someone competent to do it. Also they tend to strech time out so if you get someone really incompetent then it will take then 1/2 a day or so and you still not sure if they will do it right.

Also without doing a script i think i will get stuck if i need to make amendements to it. Furthermore given the number of people out there that say they can do things, a script and instructions will guard against someone that does not know what they are doing !

I thought that it may be easy to do but dont know as I dont know how to do it.
Setting up Ubuntu server is really task. everyone can do it, if you are new then you would take more time in configuration than others.

to do this checkout the official step-by-step instructions .

Ubuntu Server Guide

Its very easy to understand and detailed.

In case you have any specific questions, Please ask them
I would suggest installing lxadmin and centOS5 instead.

Install cent OS 5 and then install lxadmin, its automated installation and you'll have something like cpanel installed on your server.

or in ubuntu you can try installing VHCS which is kinda compatible but new versions are dead, no1 releasing anymore.

I'll say go for lxadmin ! (Y) Its FREE.
coolraghav said:
I would suggest installing lxadmin and centOS5 instead.

Install cent OS 5 and then install lxadmin, its automated installation and you'll have something like cpanel installed on your server.

or in ubuntu you can try installing VHCS which is kinda compatible but new versions are dead, no1 releasing anymore.

I'll say go for lxadmin ! (Y) Its FREE.

Who needs a silly panel, when you got SSH access:P
Gaurish said:
Who needs a silly panel, when you got SSH access:P

that doesn't make sense actually. People install DirectAdmin/Cpanel/Plesk/Webmin with Virtualmin/Lxadmin etc etc for making this manageable.

SSH Access for a newbie doesn't make any sense, and neither me myself would like to install apache php mysql myself when a software can do.

And LxAdmin is made by Indian Company only and been rated #1 best free panel.

Ofcourse Webmin with virtualmin is good choice but depends on the user knowledge.
coolraghav said:
that doesn't make sense actually. People install DirectAdmin/Cpanel/Plesk/Webmin with Virtualmin/Lxadmin etc etc for making this manageable.

SSH Access for a newbie doesn't make any sense, and neither me myself would like to install apache php mysql myself when a software can do.

And LxAdmin is made by Indian Company only and been rated #1 best free panel.

Ofcourse Webmin with virtualmin is good choice but depends on the user knowledge.

IMO, these panels are more complicated stuff, with so much clicks and all.

Each panel has a different way of doing the same task, so i always get confused:S also, i have learn to the same thing again but but different style :no:

and with Shell, it feels like Home:P

with use of simple, easy to read to shell scripts, you can automate just about anything!

For example take the case of like uploading files:

with panel, you have

*make achieve

*Go to panel and click file manager

*then navigate to dir, click on upload

*New tab will open and now browse to file you want to upload

*after upload, you have extract it

with SSH, you can just drag & drop it in respective dir:P

as most modern file managers like nautilus, have SSH support inbuilt

So, shell is simple and easy to use:P
Gaurish said:
IMO, these panels are more complicated stuff, with so much clicks and all.
Each panel has a different way of doing the same task, so i always get confused:S also, i have learn to the same thing again but but different style :no:
and with Shell, it feels like Home:P
with use of simple, easy to read to shell scripts, you can automate just about anything!

For example take the case of like uploading files:
with panel, you have
*make achieve
*Go to panel and click file manager
*then navigate to dir, click on upload
*New tab will open and now browse to file you want to upload
*after upload, you have extract it

with SSH, you can just drag & drop it in respective dir:P
as most modern file managers like nautilus, have SSH support inbuilt
So, shell is simple and easy to use:P

For file management you can always use FTP. :) :P

And most of these servers do NOT have a GUI for you to use Nautilus or any such file managers. In fact Ubuntu Server version doesnt come with Gnome or any other GUI.

It will be difficult for many people to do everything through command line. :)
varkey said:
And most of these servers do NOT have a GUI for you to use Nautilus or any such file managers. In fact Ubuntu Server version doesnt come with Gnome or any other GUI.

boss, i was referring integration with your own Linux box.

It will be difficult for many people to do everything through command line. :)

that's the myth most people have, IMO CLI is efficient and faster.

Also it takes less resources than GUI, so its good for server
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