Help with Xbox 360 Purchase

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save games are only for single player, no? i'm not gonna be playing single player all that much... maybe just to unlock a few characters and i can finish most street fighter games in one sitting.

well anyway, if it's cheap i'll pick it up. so will Core + Arcade Stick / Sega Saturn pad + game and memory card be enough for me to play online?
ashr said:
what? wait???

This is Street Fighter 4!

no really. i can't wait. there's no word on the PC port's release date. i don't think it'll come anytime soon.
Woah! Getting a console just for this game is insane. Unless you're a die hard fan. :P

Anyway yes the console+gamepad+game+memory card would be needed to play it online. Also If I'm not mistaken, you would probably need an Xbox Live gold subscription as well.
^yup. that would be me. i'd give up any game for Street Fighter. with all things taken into consideration, investing in an Xbox for SF4 and SF II HD Remix (which is basically an "updated" version of the best Street Fighter ever or even the best fighting game ever made) isn't too bad for me. i'm sure i'll be playing both the games for years to come, just like all the previous SF games that i still play with friends. XBL will give me added re playability and longevity.

i look at it as a dedicated Street Fighter machine... not a gaming console. my paycheck comes in tomorrow. i'll probably pick it up :D
I would seriously recommend buying the original console and not the modded one because there's a good chance of it going kaput and that would mean ~15k down the drain.

OT :ashr, where are you getting sf4 from ?
@Arun: i would not suggest getting the x360 or even the ps3 for that matter without warranty. If you are getting the core pack chances are you will get very old stock and RROD will be a big worry then. Get it with warranty and you are covered for 3 years wrt to RROD.
why are u planning on getting the console modded if you are planning on playing just a couple of games.get the original games to play live.i cant advice you much but all i can say is its a waste of money to get the 360 just for one can get a gr8 gfx card for that price
As said in my earlier post u can get core version from, for 13.5K. its an indian site n u can buy a used hard drive for 2-2.5K.
Just saw on ebay that , core is available there for 13.8K n some guy is selling new pro at 18K as a stock clearance sale with 1.5 yr RROD warranty left.
i saw a stock 360 for sale on Gaming indians forum for 7500, didnt have the hdd along with it but should be good, unmodded and warranty was still applicable
Yeah Arun, being the pro-gamer you are, you need to go on LIVE!, won't be able to do that on modded X360's and hell, 360's have a huge failure right even with original. I shot myself in the foot by buying a modded X360 from Palika, red lighted in 2 weeks and there was no way I could take that console to M$ to get it fixed and the Palika guys obviously had no clue what to do with I sold it for like 4k...bought it for 20k. :/

get it with warranty and M$ will repair and replace the RROD in the X360 for free, and you can get on LIVE! Going original is worth it.
Amaresh said:
I would seriously recommend buying the original console and not the modded one because there's a good chance of it going kaput and that would mean ~15k down the drain.

OT :ashr, where are you getting sf4 from ?

maybe from the link posted here.
Blade_Runner said:
@Arun: i would not suggest getting the x360 or even the ps3 for that matter without warranty. If you are getting the core pack chances are you will get very old stock and RROD will be a big worry then. Get it with warranty and you are covered for 3 years wrt to RROD.

its really funny to see you suggest others to buy unmodded console when you yourself have a modded 1. lol
ashr said:
what? wait???

This is Street Fighter 4!

no really. i can't wait. there's no word on the PC port's release date. i don't think it'll come anytime soon.

Some sellers on have already started putting up pre-orders for the PC version. So I am guessing that the release would happen soon. I have both PS3 and XBOX 360, but still I am waiting for the PC version to come out.

Anyways, if you can't wait, why don't you get the PS3 version of the game. Either version of the game will cost you the same (3.3~3.5k) and its not like XBOX Live is way better than PSN. You will find enough players on PSN too If I am right.
ashr said:
about availability... wouldn't it be cool if they were referring to an Indian summer? which means we'd like see the game in 2 days from now :P

as far as i'm concerned summer started a week ago. it's suddenly gotten so hot :@
stormblast said:
if u buy from ninja he will give u a ntsc j console.

i would say to buy it officially & then update the drive firmware to play backup games. this way u have a modded console which is PAL. & 'when' it rrod's u can give it to ms for replacement as its a PAL console. most of the time u will get a new console as they dont check if the firmware has been updated.

also from what i have seen is that the ntsc/j that sell here usually always get rrod. but then again even pal's do. its totally random. its a big risk getting ntsc/j

I agree.
Go for a PAL console. You dont even know what all problems that console had before you bought it.
There are 100's of VDOs on youtube which show how to modify f/w. So go in for a PAL version to get an indian warranty.
I have a xbox 360 ELITE 120GB with extra wireless controller for sale. Its a PAL version. No power step down converter reqd. Pls PM me if you r interested in buying.
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