Help with XP/Vista?Ubuntu Boot

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I have 2 HDDs 200G and 500G in my machine.

200G has XP in it,500G has Vista and Ubuntu in it.

I used to see the three OS versions on boot up, so that i can select the one i needed,

Recently i re installed VISTA and now, it is automatially starting with VISTA, without asking me or showing the boot screen..:(

some one help me so that i can choose my OS at start up.

Vista likes to be on the primary hard can probably make it work but will have to reinstall grub. If you have the Ubuntu LiveCD you can reinstall grub from there.

This is a pretty good explanation that I took from here

1. Pop in the Live CD, boot from it until you reach the desktop.

2. Open a terminal window or switch to a tty.

3. Type "grub"

4. Type "root (hd0,6)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are (my /boot is at /dev/sda7, which translates to hd0,6 for grub).

5. Type "setup (hd0)", ot whatever your harddisk nr is.

6. Quit grub by typing "quit".

7. Reboot.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
Vista likes to be on the primary hard can probably make it work but will have to reinstall grub. If you have the Ubuntu LiveCD you can reinstall grub from there.

This is a pretty good explanation that I took from here

1. Pop in the Live CD, boot from it until you reach the desktop.
2. Open a terminal window or switch to a tty.
3. Type "grub"
4. Type "root (hd0,6)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are (my /boot is at /dev/sda7, which translates to hd0,6 for grub).
5. Type "setup (hd0)", ot whatever your harddisk nr is.
6. Quit grub by typing "quit".
7. Reboot.

Hmm..... Is there any other way for this.... I mean other than Re installing OS
well you dont have to reinstall anything

just the grub boot loader

its quite simple actually.

find out the hard disk & partition which has the boot/grub directory

then go to live cd or any rescue cd which you can boot with live.

then start grub

Now you will

1. "root (hd(0 or 1), (partitions number))" if its sda3 then type 2 as it starts with 0)

2 setup (hd(0 or 1))

3 quit

its done !!!!!!!!!!111

Also If all this doesnt make sense to you and if you have your ubuntu home partition separate from Os then you can reinstall ubuntu where it was before and you will get grub back.
just dload n install EasyBCD... it will make ur life very easy.

i have vista xp n mint tripple boot on same drive wid use of the same.
TheIcebreaker said:
well you dont have to reinstall anything

just the grub boot loader

its quite simple actually.

find out the hard disk & partition which has the boot/grub directory

then go to live cd or any rescue cd which you can boot with live.

then start grub

Now you will

1. "root (hd(0 or 1), (partitions number))" if its sda3 then type 2 as it starts with 0)

2 setup (hd(0 or 1))

3 quit

its done !!!!!!!!!!111

Also If all this doesnt make sense to you and if you have your ubuntu home partition separate from Os then you can reinstall ubuntu where it was before and you will get grub back.

Ummmm :P u are not reading the posts in the thread too much are ya :bleh: I posted the same thing 3 posts ahead of you :bleh:
Well I did read you post but I thought you didnt explain the numbers and arguments for the grub commands well enuf So I thought to give it a go.

Anyway it doesnt hurt him much makes it more clear.
clown_abhi said:
I think EasyBCD is quite famous for multiboot with Vista. U can give it a try...:)

i tried this.. When i reboot, i am able to see Vista and XP but when i select XP
my sys is rebooting ...:(
Easy BCD f*&^ many system . SO stay away from it . Restoring Grub is the best way to restore all the options.. Do as suggested above :)

thenvk said:
Hmm..... Is there any other way for this.... I mean other than Re installing OS

When did he said reinstall you OS ? Please read carefully thats the best and the easiest way :)
yup... re-installing grub is far different than re-installing the OS... pretty quick from the Livecd. After you may have to edit the Menu.lst file to add windows back in to the boot menu.
I have Ubuntu Ultimate in my machine(removed the drive now). Downloading the Slack ware now...I will reply here once i install it.

BTW what id the best Linux version in terms of GUI?(should be as good as XP/Vista)
Slackware OMG :O Are you sure you can handle it ? Its one ofthe toughest OS to install and use :p Apart from that wait for few days , Mandriva 2009.0 will be released :) WIll feature the best two GUI evn. like Gnome 2.24 and KDE 4.1.1 :)
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