PC Peripherals Help yet again for smps

^^ read 3d post buddy and c what i have written :cool2: its exactly wat u think i shld have...and u r tired of posting answers to queries but not OT posts :S
w1nD - getting back to your original post, for a budget of about 3.4k the vx450 is a better buy than the CM 600.

As already mentioned by so many other members already, the vx450 can easily handle even a quad + 4870. Looking at your current sig + your planned 1tb drive + lights, i dont think you will have a problem.

Corsair also has a very decent power supply calculator on their site, why dont you try it?- Welcome to Corsair :: Power Supplies
w1nD said:
^^ read 3d post buddy and c what i have written :cool2: its exactly wat u think i shld have...and u r tired of posting answers to queries but not OT posts :S
And then that makes my frst post in this thread all the more relevant. :p
It almost has all the information wrt to efficiency, rails, VX450, Brand significance while buying a psu, etc etc.

I had to waste my time and energy replying to your stupid reply coz you misunderstood my post in the first place.
You could have very well used the relevant part of my post and ignored the rest.
But i had no malice towards you- "B$ 100 times pat year" was a general remark of exasperation- and so had to reply to your O/T reply and post an O/T here to clear my position.
And who said i am tired of posting replies.
If it were so, i wouldn't have dug up that post and posted here for you and others who maybe uninformed. :cool2:
But you can ask others who post actively and try to help others as to how many times this same psu query- especially CM600 thing has happened- i have seriously lost count.
And hence the request to the mods to make it a sticky.
I hope you know what a sticky means and what it does? :)
w1nD said:
i agree dude...but 450 is less re...it doesnt leave any space for my upgardes dat i m gonna make in a month...:S

vx450 gives 450 watts continuous ( around 640 watts peak power ) , if u are thinking cooler master 600 watts will give more power then u are wrong , cm600 gives 600 watts PEAK power , it will give around 430 watts continuous , but graphics card are rated at peak power minimum smps . VX450 can even handle a quad core overclocked + 4870 . if u require even more power then get TX650 for 5900.
thanks all buddies for helping me finally decided a corsair 450 :)
thanks a lot for help :)

also bikey sorry if we have misunderstood each other i have no hard feelings towards u :D afterall this is a community and helping is ftw..

will post pics of gecube 4870 and corsair 450 wen it comes later today :)
w1nD said:
also bikey sorry if we have misunderstood each other i have no hard feelings towards u :D afterall this is a community and helping is ftw..
No need for sorry or thank you- i don't hold anything against anyone except for their indifference or carelessness maybe. :ashamed:
Sole purpose of my posts is to offer back to TE a little %age of what i have gained here.
I am sorry too for coming across rather strongly in my replies but i couldn't handle someone accusing me of "considering helping others a burden" when i am what i am becoz others have gone out of their way to help me and am indebted to them for life. :)
If you don't find VX450 enough for your rig, i will buy that VX450 (provided you have proper bill and warranty from a good dealer :p) and you may go ahead and buy a TX650/Hx620/TX750. :)
VX450 was for 3.2K at Prime some days back iirc.
Maybe lower now, especially if you are good at bargaining. :p

Enough O/T for today else mods will kick my a$$ off TE. :ashamed:
Hey guys,

Since this post was all about PSU's, i have a tiny query in which i need some help.
I am getting a 9600GT and Currently in addition to all components mentioned in my siggy i have 3 80mm fans and 1 120mm fans. I have a Zebronics PSU that came with my Zebronics Geforce Cabby. It's a 400W PSU with 17A mentioned under +12V specs on the PSU. I used to run a overclocked 8600GT earlier without any stability problems.

So, do i need an upgrade or the PSU would do fine? Anyway the difference in power consumption of 9600GT over 8600GT is some 10-15W, Ain't it?
zebby psu can handle rigs but are never reliable enough.....get a cm460w for 2k odd or if u can stretch to 3k+ u knw it..;) vx450

and wud like to add some of members hav posted tht zebby make components go kaput...so y risk it....gettin a better card then y endanger it with a risky psu....get a cm460w alteast imo....rest is upto u..
rockfella said:
If you buy CM Xtreme power 600W you will endanger your GPU. Get the VX450, it has more juice than the Xtreme power.

What bullshit !!!! VX450 is better but that doesnt mean CM600 will endanger GPU ???!!!!! :tongue: :tongue:

Even a CM EP 460 can handle 4850 +quad easily and thats a good enough PSU @ 2k for most of the people with reguler rigs !!!
now i have got my card n smps :) :hap2: :clap:

but again confused :S :ashamed: the card to my surprise has 2x 6 pin connections :| n vx450 has only one 6pin so will i have to wait another day or is there any other way round ??

its urgent /me is sad :(
w1nD said:
now i have got my card n smps :) :hap2: :clap:

but again confused :S :ashamed: the card to my surprise has 2x 6 pin connections :| n vx450 has only one 6pin so will i have to wait another day or is there any other way round ??

its urgent /me is sad :(

Your card should have come with the 4 pin molex to 6pin PCI express converter. If it didnt, go to the local comp shop and buy this. It will do the trick.

While using 4 pin molex to 6pin PCI express converter, should i connect the two 4 pin molex to any two power cables or are there any specific wires to which i should connect these. If yes, how do i find those.:huh:
I am planning to replace my Zebby 400W PSU with a any good PSU's or some recommended ones for less than 1.5K?
Guys, can u suggest some? Even Cooler master 460W is outta my budget coz in Bangalore it costs >2K.