Here comes Microsoft Surface (Tablet) !

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Wrong! Again if it still hasn't gone through, IFF it has Steam and XBLA BOTH it will outsell everything, provided they don't price it insanely.

There is no misplaced notion here. So what if iPad "owns" the arcade scene? you have PC games and XBLA games on the same device, are you still suggesting that's not revolutionary? Just like Android took apple's market things can turn around.

Misplaced notion here is that it will compete in ultrabook segment, sure, but with Viva Pinata/Sine Mora and Civilization installed, beat that.

Again IFF Both Steam and XBLA are available.

I'm quite aware that windows phones sales specially before the launch of Lumia did not even beat Bada phones.

I can only see Apple falling behind with PlaystationMobile initiative bringing PSN games to new playstation certified smartphones.

But then sheep will be sheep.

Its laughable that the whole point you are making is that the surface is going to beat the ipad on its gaming really is utterly ridiculous.
Even if there are pc arcade games on the same device,that is not the only thing needed to sell your device.ipad eventhough it is a gaming behemoth,doesn't get recognised as such and rightly so.
Look at it this way,if people want to buy tablets just for the sake of gaming,then it certainly wont be for arcade games(here you sound like a noob) people will buy surface for viva pinata? What next will they buy ipads for angry birds?
Steam and xbla don't really need to be integrated as i am sure microsoft will have their own platform for windows 8 and wont do the grave mistake of disturbing the xbox side of things(noobs competing with bf3 players for system points will be chaos)

And as for your android example,ms wont license it for free so that every cheapskate tablet can put windows on it and rightly so,because who has won in the tablet wars using that base? Asus has failed,samsung failed and sony just gave over-expensive flops.even taking the smartphone example,which manufacture has risen? I cant find another name then samsung and they too just have 21% of the mobile profit compared to a little near thrice of apple.

There is just no way surface can even match the ipad 2 's sales,let alone go toe to toe with the current gen.

My notion of surface denting the ultrabook sales still however makes more sense than your 'it will kill ipad because it plays viva pinata' comment.simply put -combine sony,xbox and steam and you would still find it difficult to match game center,because not only is it the biggest,but also the highest growing platform.

Do me a favor, or for that matter all for all sane people on this discussion thread, stop typing so much.

Which manufacturer has risen? Thats LoLworthy. I'm talking Android v iOS/apple.

If you think that my argument is based around one game Viva pinata then god save you. Its called an example, understand?

Did I say its based around just gaming? I said that some dimwits might segregate it just to ultrabook category when clearly its not the case. IFF it has steam and xbla this will be the most revolutionary device combining the best of 2 worlds. Is my argument based on an assumption, Sure! Its funny how it seems to have done serious damage to your comprehension skills and worse, your behind!

Stick with Apple threads. You seem to have all the expertise. X)

Peace !!
first of all-chuck the personal insults,they frankly prove that you are arguing like a brute novice.
There is no misplaced notion here. So what if iPad "owns" the arcade scene? you have PC games and XBLA games on the same device, are you still suggesting that's not revolutionary? Just like Android took apple's market things can turn around.
this was your point and you seem to miss a vital point that these services offer "games" or they are basically useless.if you claim that they will as a fact,"revolutionize the market" then it is nothing but plain ridiculous.
there is no segregating it in the ultra-book category,when it runs the same software and contains the same hardware and i/o by just offering a different form are naive if you don't think that it will compete in the same market.heck even the macbook air canabalized the ipad's sales to an extent in the 3rd quarter of last year even-though both machines run different software.
make an argument which is valid ffs,and stop acting like a child.

edit -spellcheck
The surface will easily pwn Ipad once the metro apps are out in huge numbers.

Surface RT -

It'l be competing with the iPad directly. Microsoft is not stupid enough to falter the pricing decisions. It WILL have a 3.5mm port. Really microsoft is not that stupid guys, its obvious the hardware is still being developed.
With office 2013 built in, it already is one up on the ipad, most wp7 app developers would have already jumped the wagon for apps and games, if not, todays wp8 announcement will make them think hard :D

About the rest, i think, only games remain, and frankly i dont think it'l take microsoft long to catch up on any of those fronts seeing how huge their developer base is.
Surface is not a proven platform yet.. As one can see it runs both on x86 and ARM processors, developers would find it difficult to develop an app which work on both platform. Also no one knows about Windows 8 and how it performs on tablet. I have personally installed Win8 on my lappy and literally switch back to Win7.. + Price ? When will one get these details ? and the final question would be Battery life ? There are lot of questions unanswered and we are excited as always with any new product :D

I wouldn't jump into this Bandwagon and will wait for a year and then decide.. I don't find anything useful other than keyboard and stand, but i reckon i would end up using it rarely... Just my personal opinion.. Cheers :)
I am a tablet user, a laptop user and I own/run a development company for apps on Tablets. Believe me, a tablet form factor with the same ease of use and near laptop like environment in the sense apps that run on a laptop will run on "surface", then for sure, you will see this going iup over iPad for owners users who use tablets for more than watching videos, casual gaming and stuff.

But MS:

Get the damn price right
Help the developers to port their apps and optimize it for touch
Get the damn price right
Provide solid cloud integration b/w Windows phone, Desktop and Tablet (I for one would love this)
Get the damn rice right
Here is a nicely written article about MS and Apple

​Daring Fireball: Surface: Between a Rock and a Hardware Place

A nice right up. It would be pretty interesting to see Nokia being bought by Microsoft. Nokia is on a downward spiral (They lost it when the N series phones went out, N79 was pretty much their last decent phone not counting the Shooter phones like N8 and others). Nokia's vast patents and Microsoft's efficiency and $ backing should prove to be a very potent combo!
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