Heroes of Newerth Beta keys giveaway!!

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john117 said:
i am not a one post wonder .. can i get one key :bleh:

ah mate i know you from ivg. if i had any keys left, i would have definitely sent one your way, but i'm out unfortunately. check out their website though, they're preparing for an open beta, so you might want to sign up.
^^ i did sign up and scoured that net for one full hour .. only to be dissapointed .. thing is my friend was going all gaga over it on ventrillo while playing wow and i was so tempted.But that good friend of mine bought the game and has invited me so i am off to play it in 30 mins, yeah client is just 260 mb .And the good thing is they have windows/linux/Mac clients, and boat load of features in such a small thing.This game looks to be true successor DotA .. interesting thing is .. its got complete support from icefrog and the items and recipes have been kept same ,right now there are 51 heroes as compared to 95 in dota but that will increase by the time game releases. It seems like a perfect cure for the itch till D3 comes around :D .
PS: spindoctor whats your id on HoN . mine is j0hn117 .. thats a zero after 'j'
hon id is spindoctor, although i don't find the time to play it these days. i spend all my gaming time in aion. add me on steam - id is sp1n - and it'll be easier to coordinate.
If you by any chance have any more keys please send me 4-5 beta keys for my friends and I to try. We love DOTA and hopefully this game will not disappoint us. Thank you in advance if you do have some left.

if you have any keys left i'd really appreciate it if you can give me one, and only one. all of my friends already have the game as well as my brother. i would use his key but he doesnt live under the same roof as me anymore. and i use video games to keep in touch with him because he moved pretty far away. currently 4 of my friends in school are playing heroes of newerth and every day i listen to them talk about how much better it is than dota and how the characters are somewhat more balanced. long story short tho i feel like i am the oddman out because it seems most of the people i hang around with and talk to all play this game but i cant get my hands on one of the beta keys. so if you still have a key left i would really appreciate it if you could toss it my way :P
my email is: Pauko8691@yahoo.com
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