Heroes Season 2 : starts with a big bang !! [spoiler alert]

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I was goin through the board..n didnt find ne thread regarding HEROES or Lost...strange...

newayz....here'z 1 :D

Heroes Season 2 opens very well..:clap:
Now...the episode was ****in awesome...real gud opening for the season 2 with a real interesting find...lol @ kensei....hez a british?? a GAIJIN :P?? lol....

# Molly was amazingly charming as alwayz...:D ( jus love her :D )
# Mohinder + Bennet + Parkman...the trio is surely gonna do sumthin big...they are after the "COMPANY"....
# Claire...wad do i say...preety :D n alone @ the moment....neva mind...West will help her :D ( hopefully )...
# The other 2 latin american characters...didnt understand their side of the story...guess the gal goes wild if not with her brother....her brother is a sprinter ???
# Feel real sad for Petrelli brothers....wat the **** has happened to them?
# wtf!! who the **** tied peter in tht cargo?? wat has happened to him? memory wash??
# where are the Sanders?? Ali too busy shooting for other movies ??
# Ando'z lookin kewl...wat say?
also..lol @ that manager @ bennet'z workplace....that guy was teaching bennet about the paper/print business....lol...such a nooob :P....he doesnt know bennet had a ****in printing company....

Omg...i so cant wait for the next episode :D :D...
lol ppl will kill u remove the spoilers...:bleh:

I din like the opening ep that much..IT was way too slow...:O

The new King Midas character was amazing...:D

There cramped Lots of stories togethers...Hiro ka story in past was damn boring..

Lets see it was expected that first they will set the characters properly...from next ep it might be interesting..

Btw am enjoying Prison Break...Its at its best....:D even in its 3rd season..
lol...kya yaar..when i posted it ..i took it like every1 whoz into Heroes must have seen the epi 1 by now....:S..

I kinda like the molly'z story...thats surely gonna take us to the "boogie man " soon....

sumthin interesting...who was the guy under the hood...:S

@ raj--> Lost season 4 will be out sumwhere near feb08...thats a long wait..but gud part...after tht..it will be continuous :D
heroes s2e1 was pretty dumb esp the Hiro part...have a feeling its gonna drag on n on wid too lil screen time for each character as they have too may of em now! wish they had lesser characters n it moved on faster.

PB S2 got off to pretty good start..looks interesting...hopefully it'll be betta than S2.

Ppl who havnt yet watched Damages..give it a try..its pretty good.

Quite a wait for 24 now..dat sux tsk.
Lost S4 in Feb ?? :( Very sad yaar !

Too long a wait !

Btw.. wats Prison Break and Damages all about ??

Mite start watching those until Lost comes out ! :)
rajshah said:
Lost S4 in Feb ?? :( Very sad yaar !

Too long a wait !

Btw.. wats Prison Break and Damages all about ??

Mite start watching those until Lost comes out ! :)

Lost got 3 more seasons with 16 episodes each to come. will finish in 2010.

Prison break is about a guy breaking out his bro outta jail. Wikipedia for more info, but don't read much. Grab season 1 & 2. It will have you glued to your machine.

anyway Prison Break > Heroes > LOST anyday :D
+3 :P

I felt the episode couldv been much better.. Sad to see this sort of an episode as the start to a new season.. PB start was MUCH better :D Especially the second episode
woW ! So many votes going for PB !! I think i will just get to getting that ;) !!

How about - 'How I met your mother' ?
rajshah said:
woW ! So many votes going for PB !! I think i will just get to getting that ;) !!
How about - 'How I met your mother' ?

I absolutely love that show...:D
PB > How i met ur mother >>>>>> Daybreak > Heroes > Damages > LOST

btw u knw Enrique is introduced as a character in 3rd season :bleh:


With ur recommendation, i d/led it..Up till 4th ep.. Its good in patches...sometimes it drags..;)

Watched movie The Firm (Tom Cruise)... Its on the same line..:)

watched Kill Point too (recommended by you).. It was a good show..

Right now started

Chuck , The Bigbang theory and Bionic Woman.... Thier Pilots were decent.. lets see how 2nd eps are..
criminal minds is pretty cool too. without a trace , bones, the cold case, the
3 CSIs are worth a watch if you like these kinda crime shows.

K-Ville..the new show..first cpl of epis didnt suck too bad. Another new one..Life..seems to be one of the better shows thats airing this fall.
Journeyman..the first epi looked interesting... will give it a cpl of mo epis to see how it turns out.

Shark is another show I will continue watchin thru S2.

Comedies - Entourage rocks! How i met your mother, til death, according to jim, rules of engagement are alritey if u have the time to watch. cavemen..another new show looks pretty promising too.

OC lovers will like Greek. Its dat kind of show which will make u watch it even though u know you shouldnt b watching that kinda crap.

waiting for Dexter to get back on air...the first season was really neat!
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