Heroes Season 2 : starts with a big bang !! [spoiler alert]

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Gossip Girl from Josh Swartz is too similar to OC... 2 Eps are aired..were okie not that good compared to OC...

Havent checked Greek Yet...

btw 1st Two eps of Dexter Season 2 are leaked :tongue: Just incase u dunno..
@dipen01 - yea watched em dude. Hmm Gossip Girl...will d/l em n give it a watch when i am outa stuff to watch. have u seen the 3 part miniseries- The Company? its well worth a watch too. Mad Men and Burn Notice seemed decent too but dont have the time..its saved for a rainy day.

Anyone into UK stuff? Wire in the blood, Spooks/MI5 and Life on Mars are neat.
imo the episode was not tht great, cud have been much better... it was sort of boring..

A lot of setup for the rest of the season... a little slow... but I liked it :)

Dexter..... awesome... especially on an HD station on 42" LCD :P
Another Lacklustre episode..

Hiro's past journey is getting boring..

Only interesing Part was of Peters and it was kept too short..

Rest new mexican bro-sis story was also gettin dragged..

Dunno they need to pull something huge in next ep. to keep it thrilling and interesting. I am losin my interest..
"If you have an apple and if I have an apple ,when we exchange we still have an apple each. If you have an idea and if I have an idea, when we exchange we have 2 ideas each"

Ahhhhhhh.....!! But if you take a bite of each apple ... then you have tasted two different apples :P
the most interesting parts of Heroes is Peter's part and now Sylar's part....

Claire's part is kinda cute.... but not as interesting as Peter's.

And I am enjoying Heroes more than PB only because it has a bit of humour as well and isnt as dark as PB.

but my god, PB rocks. It is in a different league itself. It so goddamn tight throughout the whole one hour. You never feel bored. But in Heroes, there are moments when you are wishing that it just gets a move on.

I dont like Jessica/Nicky at all..... I was happier when she hadnt made an appearance in the new season.

Hiro's journey has been amazing.... I dont know why you guys feel it's a boring part (it is boring compared to Peter).
Parkman/Suresh is also boring..

Maya/Alessandro is boring too..

Hiro ill say is boringestttt (most boring) of all..

Peter and Sylar are good..

Although the genre is Drama...Heroes is supposed to be a thriller.. Its too damn slow...
Well this weeks Ep was good if not awesome..!!

The managed less stories..

The Black girls part was interesting and so was Maya + Sylars..

Molly is starting to bore me now..!!

LUCKYILY no part of Hiro...and UNLUCKILY no Peter either..!!

All in all a decent episode...with no twists..
huh...Hiro is the best thing in Heroes. Then comes peter. Molly will be the key to bring down the killer...the end was gripping.
I have this feeling that..Takeshi mite be connected to all these mutants ooops..Heroes :bleh: in future..

Because he was the first one (atleast the first one that we know of), so all others might be descendants of him only.. And he might play a significant role in future too..yeah by that 300 yrs later too... lets see..

I guess its still a mystery that who does nathan see in mirror ..person with burnt face..is it his reflection ..because he took Peter..so its mite have caused burns... And how did Peter end up in that Container....

Biggest mystery ..how in the gods name is Parkman still alive :o 6 bullets directly on chest..plus molly was seen crying after that.. which give impression that he was dead..besides DL i.e Ali Larters husband was alive for better part of Finale even till the end with only one bullet..and infact he has died...
and what about Parkmans dad.. that was interesting too.....

I also think the cheerleaders new bf is hiding something too...
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