HEY chck out my wallpaper

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thanks for the all the great comments :D

looks 2 good....Where are u working ?

@abhi doing mostly freelance atm

Where do you work?
Maybe we should talk
do u yahoo?

@vij Freelance now, but I used to work at DreamWorks, so I have some pro experience. ;)
I don't usually chat too often, but it wouldn't be hard to set one up w/yahoo or something
Are you a pro in the graphics biz, what do you do ?
Where are you from artful? You were working for Dream Works LOL :hap2: great.
How was it working on Hollywood movies.Ive worked on bollywood movies it was fun.

@floccy Ill post a wireframe image in 2 days.
I'm in Northern California, so I didn't really interact with much Hollywood stuff directly, we would often just get specific shots to work on. :)

I would imagine Bollywood, would be very fun stuff to work on, the colors are always so rich, and the cinematography angles look like like they could sometimes be a lot more interesting.
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