hey how to disable an option in boot screen

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i am getting scan devices now please wait
nothing detected
in the boot screen
how to disable this and what is this
Re: hey how to disbale an option in boot scrreen

Disable from your BIOS -- hit F2 or Del while booting, enter the BIOS, find and enable the option of Fast Booting / Disabling drive scans
If you are referring to Check disk /Scan Disk during start-up then try the following

Go to command prompt and run the chkntfs command with /x switch

chkntfs /x c:

If you have 2 drive, C and D, you can disable chkdsk with the command below

chkntfs /x c: d:

The chkntfs utility works by modifying the BootExcecute value in the system registry. The BootExecute value is located in the following registry key:


The default value is for BootExecute is autocheck autochk *. When you use the /x switch, it will add a /k parameter prior to the asterisk. The /k parameter excludes volumes from being checked for the presence of a dirty bit.


You can try the more Advance option below.

Note : Changing registry settings can be risky and may reduce your OS non-bootable

In the Run tab type: regedit

* Under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, expand to:

\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
then change the BootExecute entry to:
autocheck autochk *

o Finally exit the registry and restart your computer to save setting made to windows.
Source : Disbale Check Disk 1 AND Disable Check disk 2
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