KingKrool said:Like taking candy from a baby.
knowing full well that you would react. I was proved right.Okay, but we all agree on one thing - Bluray is no good right?
Halo series did sell very slight more than Zelda and Marios series on Gamecube - And that was because of GC being less in numbers than Xbox.
And this coming from a gamecube owner dissapoints me.
PSP is trying to promote an entirely new format all by itself, entirely on its shoulders which i think is very irrational. Lets say if the UMD being seeded by other companies in their devices,
The only difference here is Ps2 entered late with the DVD while standlone established the format. Here, the Ps3 is beginning from the start on a new establishment of optical storage intended on a high global commercial use.
knowing full well that you would react. I was proved right.
Halo2 totally overshadowed Metroid prime2 when the two were released together and the reason for gamecube shortages was that noone was willing to even buy them anymore. Gaming stores were desperate to get rid of the thing since it was practically dead. You simply ca'nt compare the GC and xbox in terms of titles that they both recieved or their popularity.
Maybe someday you too will realize that games are the most important thing to a console and not what media formats it suppports. Untill then, you will forever believe that Blu-ray is integral to the PS3's success.
In params7 mind, he sees everyone chucking their dvd players out the window the moment the PS3 launches and bowing down to Sony to readily accept Blu-Ray.
It's not gonna happen.It will take a good many years(provided it does'nt utterly fail) before Bluray is universaly accepted and by then Bluray players will be a hell lot cheaper.
So, there really is no reason for Sony to force a Bluray player down our throat right now.
Once again, it's the games that are important right now and is quite evident, you do'nt need Bluray for that.
Yes, Halo2 did overshadow MP2 at its release. But that doesn't in any way put Halo series any popular then
There are two phone models in front of you. Both are excellent recievers of reception and clarity. One of them, has sidekick features like a camera, mp3 and whatnot. The other, is purely that, just a simply phone and the company entirely sells it on that purpose alone. Which one do you think will sell more?
That's understood. Ps3 is only a super catalyst in the success of Blu-Ray.
PLAYSTATION is the leading franchise of gaming consoles.
Evidently, the Nintendo fanboyism part in you must be doing that
Now imagine the power and structure of Ps3. Mid-term games, say around 2010 will be crossing 10gigs like nothing with extra long FMV's in high resolutions
To top it all of - Ps3 is REGION-FREE. That means multiple languages in one disk.
Popularity is purely subjective. Sales are facts. In the long run, better sales are more important. Is'nt that the point of our discussion? And does'nt better sales mean the game is more popular? Seriously, do you listen to yourself talk?
Ck Nish said:What are you on about? Halo and Halo2 surpassed anything on the gc in terms of popularity.
Too bad a catalyst is useless without the actual ingredients,eh?
A postion that they could easily lose. Plus marketing a new media format is a lot diffrent from marketing a new game or a new console. They failed the last time they tried that with the UMD. There is too much riding on a new media format and noone besides Sony is dumb enough to risk so much on it.
The same way the sony fanboy in you is forcing you to love that part?
The keyword being 2010 which is still a good 3 1/2 years away. Way to prove my point. Is'nt that also why Sony is forcing all developers to use Bluray now when DVD would suffice?
Are you even aware how games are made? In japan, first the japanese version is made and then released across Japan. Months later, the english version is made and then distributed throughout the world. I highly doubt this trend will change with Bluray.American developers themselves rarely release games in any language apart from english itself(especially if it involves a lot of spoken dialogues). How many people do you see making good use of multiple languages. Very few, I'd say.
Are you even aware how games are made? In japan, first blah blah....
So you resent down to mocking people when you can't argue? Is that where your credibility has fallen to?
Halo series is new. Its been around 5 yrs or so and its doing great. But saying that thee series has already surpassed the colossul popularity of couple decades old VG heroes like Mario, Wario, Luigi, Link, Zelda, Solid Snake, Sephiroth etc etc is plain foolishness. It just proves you weren't around gaming in the Snes days, because if you were, you weren't being saying that. Halo's overall popularity is hardly any better than Castlevania's to say the least. Resident Evil, Metal Gear, FF, Donkey kong, Mario, Pokemon, even James Bond and countless others have infinitely more fans than Halo series has currently. Combined sales figures since over a period of 2 decades shows that, combined with polls.
Popularity is purely subjective. Sales are facts. In the long run, better sales are more important. Is'nt that the point of our discussion? And does'nt better sales mean the game is more popular? Seriously, do you listen to yourself talk?
hunt3r said:Seems like params will never stop defending the PS3. Let me ask you one thing, did you even read the article Kingkrool posted?
hunt3r said:^^And even after reading it, you still claim it will sell because of blu-ray.
Theres too much stuff to quote and frankly not worth wasting my time over.
Not exactly. That article wasn't written by God you know.
Thats a very poor argument you knowparams7 said:Not exactly. That article wasn't written by God you know.
Blade_Runner said:Thats a very poor argument you know. Similarly a counter argument could be the makers of ps3 aren't god you know and they can falter as well which some people simply refuse to accept.
Nikhil said:@hunt3r --- You cant actually take that article as your bible.... it is just one of the other hundreds which debate the future of the PS3. That writer is entitled to his opinion, you to yours and Params to his. Dont just stamp on someone on the basis of the article and that guy goes against the article.
hunt3r said:All im saying is, the PS3 wont be the greatest thing since sliced bread as params is making it out to be and that it wont sell just because of Blu-ray.