0-20k High Performance - Low Cost.....

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Objective : To Build a Simple Low Cost, Highly Efficient - Best System - Quality Is what is expected More Than Looks and Hype.

Things to Consider Before suggesting : System should have longevity... Shouldn't ask anything more like upgrading etc. atleast for another 5 Yrs...

Is USB 3.0 SATA 6GB/S really Essential? (Will do with USB 2.0 ... If it'll Cost less. am not concerned with these speeds, Surely)

What might I use a Computer for ?
Browse Internet, Downloads(Music, Pics, Videos Occasionally Movies) (5.1 HT), Word Processing, Winrar...

Excel, Movie Maker, Movie Editors, Photoshop... Rarely

No Games, Overclocking or Complex Computing...

Processor : Suggest one that would not Hang or Struggle while running multiple Applications.
(My idea - for now - Athlon X2 or X3 or A4 3400 or A6 3600, Sempron 145)

RAM : 4GB (Would 2 x 2GB sticks make a difference than a single 4 GB one?) Is 4GB essential or just 2 GB would do ?

KeyBoard & Mouse : Wireless & Wired (Depends on the mood )

MoBo : (I wont use a monitor. I plan to use my TV - CRT with Red
And White Input - RCA Type- Maybe Later - a HDTV )

Please Suggest a Mobo for it. Again Best in Quality & Lowest Cost.

HDD : I Feel I wouldn't use any more than 160GB.

PSU : Please suggest a Power Supply for such Simple System. Or Do I need a PSU if I go For a UPS ?

By the way, Can I use my pendrive for installing, booting.... WINDOWS 7

Okay I've typed a lot and If u reach here reading all things from beginning - You've Read a Lot. Need to be Concise, I Know.

Thanks for the reading & your valuable time and effort - even if you are not able to Help

That's a Bye..
Is USB 3.0 SATA 6GB/S really Essential? (Will do with USB 2.0 ... If it'll Cost less. am not concerned with these speeds, Surely)

Not much for now, but since your system will be due for upgrade for 5 yrs, so my suggestion will be go for it.
RAM : 4GB (Would 2 x 2GB sticks make a difference than a single 4 GB one?) Is 4GB essential or just 2 GB would do ?

4GB for smooth enough computing.

Do I need a PSU if I go For a UPS ?

PSU and UPS serve totally different purpose. PSU is used for providing appropriate voltage/current to computer components as electronics run on much lower voltages than normal (220v). UPS is just used for back up purposes.

By the way, Can I use pendrive for installing, booting.... WINDOWS 7

Yes, of course.

Lastly you haven't mentioned your budget? Since you have mentioned pretty everything, you not need to fill questionnaire but it'd be better if you do that in future. It just saves time and limits effort to help in you in a better way. :)
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