Hindutva moral brigade attacks women in Mangalore pub

Am I the only one who read chiron's statement as being sarcastic?

The way I understood it, he was saying that the so-called moral police found beating up girls as "morally" acceptable. Statement pretty much reads like classic sarcasm to me.

Just take a step back and relax people, instead of blowing your wad on such trivialities :)

As far as the moral brigade is concerned, in such a diverse nation like India, you are bound to find primitives that preach some form of fascist ideal. There is nothing that can be done really, other than trying the offenders to the fullest extent of the law and attempting to prevent such an event from occurring again.
techster said:
Am I the only one who read chiron's statement as being sarcastic?

The way I understood it, he was saying that the so-called moral police found beating up girls as "morally" acceptable. Statement pretty much reads like classic sarcasm to me.

Just take a step back and relax people, instead of blowing your wad on such trivialities :)

As far as the moral brigade is concerned, in such a diverse nation like India, you are bound to find primitives that preach some form of fascist ideal. There is nothing that can be done really, other than trying the offenders to the fullest extent of the law and attempting to prevent such an event from occurring again.

i think so...
this is one sickening incident...hope guilty r punished ...this is not the way of "controlling" indecency...

with rampant polarization in mangalore(D.K)...i am guessing BJP will b extraa careful here..with LS elections hardly 3 months away..
vij said:
Seriously sick...but for some reason my sympathies are limited.

cricfan said:
this is one sickening incident...hope guilty r punished ...this is not the way of "controlling" indecency...

with rampant polarization in mangalore(D.K)...i am guessing BJP will b extraa careful here..with LS elections hardly 3 months away..

The problem with most humans is that they can easily be blind to facts... Fundamentalism is bad whether it's of the right or the left or whether it is by Taliban or Bajrang Dal. But I am sure people won't recognize it. They are too short-sighted to sense the danger. And by the time things come back to haunt, they will be dead and it's their offspring who will face the music.

The only way they will face the reality is when they go to a pub in Ahmedabad with their girlfirends and wives and beaten up. It may not happen today, but the way things are going, it will happen tomorrow. After all, give me an example where fundamentalists have stopped once their initial goal have been met. Iran, Cuba, Russia, Germany, Italy, China, Burma, Afghanistan, Poland, Uganda, Somalia and many more societies across the world ought to be example enough.

Whoever can't feel the shame of the Mangalore incident, just put yourself in the shoes of those who were beaten up as they tried to save their girlfriends from hooligans. These are the moments when all the dignity and regard in which you held yourself whither away. It is not the physical pain that hurt you more as people unknown to you beat you up but the feeling of helplessness and nakedness. Money, contacts, your social standing... nothing can save you in these moments.

Fundamentalism is a monster that once unleashed don't go back till it has devoured the society that reared it. Only when the life is in ruins and it has nothing to feed on, will it die.