Home Theatre Audio for 35K budget - Suggestions needed !

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cranky said:
Which sub was it?

This one ESW-8 Subwoofer - Overview

Price quoted for the sub was 11K

cranky said:
The LR1 are very nice speakers for the money, but a 5-speaker set with LCR1/LR1 ends up at about 28-29K on its own, receiver and sub extra.

The LR1 go down to about 100Hz so it is not necessary to set the crossover any higher. If you need more bass, you need a bigger sub. Remember in your room the bass will always be more because it is smaller. You can adjust levels, but the XO should be set for the lowest possible frequencies the satellites will handle.

Hmm thanks for the info :) , will try it again next time i visit the place.

cranky said:
I would suggest (if your budget is a hard limit) picking up only the front speakers and a good sub (NOT the PSB, tell us what options you have there and we can suggest) along with he receiver. Add the LCR1 or Alpha B1 later for fronts and move the LR1 to surround duty four months down the line. You'll have a very high quality setup that way.
I was thinking exactly on the same lines. :) . He quoted the LR1s at 14K a pair (no bargains were made as i was not too keen on buying them at that time).

There was another smaller sub from Cerwin-Vega Cerwin-Vega - The LOUD Speaker Company bargained at 8K.

There were only these two subs available. The PSB sub was quoted at 21K.
@LT: neven imagined and will never imagine that i auditioned all this in the cramped neighbouhood of Shukrawar peth behind the Bhaji Mandai.

@avi: Sounds good, lets see how it works out. :)
Apart from these there was a used out of their lives (they looked in shape, nothing broken but, well worn out) pair of huge B & O bookshelves. I did not have enough time to have a listen, but they looked like some option at 7K for the pair. ;) Those must have seen some 25 - 30 years of usage. were rated at 45WPC at 8 ohm.
Yuck, don't think about the B&Os. The LR1s were 11K a pair and the CLR1 9K before the dollar went mad. The B1 was close to 14-15K, so prices have really gone up.

It's tough to recommend any of the subs. The PSB is pretty expensive, though probably worth the cash. I know that a good sub costs, so if it doesn't pinch you should spring for it. A Velodyne or Mission would be a sight cheaper, and not lose too much performance.

All the best with your search. Take your time and don't rush into anything...
cranky said:
Yuck, don't think about the B&Os. The LR1s were 11K a pair and the CLR1 9K before the dollar went mad. The B1 was close to 14-15K, so prices have really gone up.

It's tough to recommend any of the subs. The PSB is pretty expensive, though probably worth the cash. I know that a good sub costs, so if it doesn't pinch you should spring for it. A Velodyne or Mission would be a sight cheaper, and not lose too much performance.

All the best with your search. Take your time and don't rush into anything...

Thanks mate. Won't rush into things, will listen whatever i can and then make a choice.

Will the HK/Pio be able to drive the LCR1s equally well? In that case i might be able to save some dosh.

going to listen a some more equipment sometime this week at Silo media. Wharfedale, and some other stuff from things listed here.
Product List

@LT: ygpm
Both of those will be able to drive it fine, however I would guess that the DAC and amplification on the Marantz are of a significantly higher quality than both the HK and the Pio. The Pio uses an AKM DAC *not the top-of the line* DAC, and I don't remember which exact one it uses, I'd have to open it up again. No idea about HK.

I've only heard the Wharfedales, and I guess they'll be good enough for HT. The Quads may be too laid-back, and The AADs are an unknown quantity for me. I haven't even heard of the other three...
will see how things work out and update this thread.

Out of this lot only the HK is well connected. with 3 optical, 2 coax inputs in addition to the analog one.

The pio has only 2 digital inputs iirc. and the marantz has one optical n two digital which whould be enough for my needs atm.

I too am fairly in favour of the marantz and the additional 8k seem pretty justified. Lets see which speakers suit my taste today.
plz finish your R&D before our meet...:rofl:
and i think i should not come for audition.... coz more people with different mindsets its problematic for you.... coz i like loud sound:ohyeah: so better i stay out of this and let me just enjoy the meet :)
@avi: yesterdays audition went bad, the employee at Silo, i had appointment with lost his wife to an accident :(

The audition did not happen. When it may happen is hanging in the dark as of now.
avi_avadhut said:
plz finish your R&D before our meet...:rofl:
and i think i should not come for audition.... coz more people with different mindsets its problematic for you.... coz i like loud sound:ohyeah: so better i stay out of this and let me just enjoy the meet :)
Yeah man, this is very very very personal and you should be alone, believe me.
sarang said:
@avi: yesterdays audition went bad, the employee at Silo, i had appointment with lost his wife to an accident :(

The audition did not happen. When it may happen is hanging in the dark as of now.

Awww man!

Dang sarang, methinks you scoured the market for all of this stuff.. When there is a meet I would really love to know the places you visited to audition the stuff....
hey sarang! any updates on this? I may buy the same things u get after u get them :P we have similar usage and budgets for now :ohyeah:
@coutrock: sure dude. We are three in the same boat now.

@jith77: thanks. :) any pricing info on the MS jith? Asked some pune dealers no one seemed to stock them. :(
fxentertainment has a site and deals with MS....they have the dealer network at their site...no pune though...for pricing call up each irrespective of location and get the cheapest deal...some do give street price (grand cinema, chennai told that the price was 10.5k right away when that was the street price)

on audition..ask for someone from pune who has it to help with audition at their place...post a thread at hifivision...might help..

the MRP went to 14k some time ago...street price is lower though i dont have any idea.."the shop" quoted 13.3k before proper bargain
sarang said:
@coutrock: sure dude. We are three in the same boat now.

@jith77: thanks. :) any pricing info on the MS jith? Asked some pune dealers no one seemed to stock them. :(

what all have to got in mind? I will try to get the rates from mumbai! :hap2:
fx entertainment i heard is going to launch the cambridge audio sirrco HT package for 40k includes the S70flrs,s50 centre,S30 surrounds.
Those are brilliant speakers but it doesn't include a receiver. Actually a set of S30s and a regular sub and receiver would be a brilliant choice too, but once again very far out of the budget.
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