Honest opinions pls - Vista or XP better for gaming ATM

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i have vista64 installed but ...i will uninstall XP as soon as directx 10.1 becomes mainstream ........ currently no game [afaik] ..supports 10.1...assessin creed removed its support!......the directx10.1 has some techno mambo jumbo inside it which makes antialiasing much faster........till then my supertweaked xp ftw!
The talk on the scene is that developers are going to give DX10 a miss and directly jump over to DX11, as the current consoles are DX9 based, so it makes Windows Vista PCs the only DX10 based machines in the market.

DX11 is going to be Win7 n WinVista compatible, and also the next gen consoles are going to be DX11 based. So it would give the developers a huge user base for the DX11 switch.

BTW, another reason to invest in Vista, it will be DX11 compatible.
I feel for people like me who are on midrange cards, they would be able to get playable fps at better resolutions only with XP. :)
For those wid high end cards, can go along with Vista coz it would anyway give them playable fps to play with. :)

At the end, it boils down to ur hardware...:P
BTW u can always mod XP to look similar to Vista...Still Vista looks so damn good. Use it atleast once...:S
Params7 said:
Yeah I don't why people complain so much about Vista, I've owned it for months now without a problem. Although I don't see what's so great it has over XP, but it hasn't crapped up for me so far.
Exactly my opinions.
Vista is very usable now but I'll be keeping XP as my main OS until it becomes as obsolete as Win98.
I may go for Vista, but now so soon since I have a legit copy of XP. But I have seen that Vista now has as good if not better support for games than XP.
Another vote for vista..I have home premium and its been pretty smooth so far..Not able to install sp1 though...Giving me some error half way through the installation.Wonder whats wrong..
XP had its time and now vista is slowly taking over, if you have decent hardware vista is the way to go! I only have xp for 3d mark 06, for everything else I use vista.
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