PC Peripherals Horrible Philips service

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Well the title is pretty much self-explanatory isn't it?If some of you remember I had posted a review of the Philips 17" 107E5 monitor sometime back on TA(when TE was not in existence).
However,despite my initial positive rating of it ,I now withdraw those comments heres is why:
1.Initially there was a small corner geometry problem with my monitor.I thought WTH ,ignore it.Soon there was a noise coming out of the monitor ,the service engineer came a total of 4 times and was unable to fix it so it went for a replacement.
2.The replacement finally arrived after 14 days(and no stand-by was given in that period :@ ),it was scratched all over the surface!They told me it happened during checking-yeah right.So I pestered them to send another-they sent a totally bad 1.5 year old monitor in a new case ostenibly to befool me.(about 2 months had passed)
3.Okay ,so I get tired of this.Call up Deepak Shah,the Philips point person for service in NCR.He says black monitors are short in supply.I think,okay a beige is not so bad as long as the picture is good right?
4.Their chief engineer comes after another 2 weeks,the piece is new but beige, no geometry problems but a great color degradation on the right side(whole area appears pink).I thought WTF?I call him up and the engineer says degauss it and problem will go away(I already tried that).So anyway I moved my UPS,cabinet,speakers away from the monitor by atleast 2 meters and then degaussed it-still the same thing.
I call him again,the other engineer comes after a week and uses a hard degaussing gun,but TO NO AVAIL.
5.It turns out that this one was subjected to a very powerful magnetic field somewhere during transportation and hence can't be corrected i.e. the right side's color purity is beyond correction.
The engg. made a report saying the crt was faulty and I will get a reply 2morrow regarding another replacement and/or picture tube change :O
I also had a bad experience 3 years ago with a samsung monitor.
Several of my friend's monitors have similar defects(though some are oblivious to it-ignorance is bliss!).
I have come to believe that all monitor manufacturers have very lax quality control in India ,may be due to the lax consumer redressal system.
And coming to the point,this DEEPAK SHAH fellow is the villain of the entire incident-is rude ,doesnt pick up his phone and has the balls to say 'we have already given u 3 replacements'! :@
Please pitch in with similar experiences,esp if it concerns philips service in NCR.We can build a common consumer case against it.
PS: Philips has a 48 hour on-site swap warranty during the first year in North America/Europe,but not in India :P .Any surprise? :no:
I am allergic to the the name Philips....

Many years back I bought 2 Phillips products - a darkroom timer and a PH meter and both worked for a very short while and died - then I was given a run around by their service people - they could not repair either of these 2 products and I never got a replacement.

Nothing with the name Philips entererd my house after that. Not even a Bulb :@
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Ye asked..

undertaker said:
PS: Philips has a 48 hour on-site swap warranty during the first year in North America/Europe,but not in India :P .Any surprise? :no:

and ye said..

undertaker said:
We can build a common consumer case against it.

and ye answered..

undertaker said:
may be due to the lax consumer redressal system.

Sorry to hear that bro. Tough Luck!

had a similar experience with Rashi a few months back when I had sent my mobo for repairs. First they told me the mobo was fine and there was no problem with it. When I asked if he had checked the board himself, he said he had done so and said everything worked fine. I blasted him saying that cudnt be the case b'coz the 20-pin connector on the mobo was screwed and u cudnt even force the PSU connector onto the mobo (tnx to urs truly's antics.. hehehe.. I had bent the pins so bad trying to clean them that i cudnt fit the PSU connector). Then his boss came online and I explained to him what was the case. My dealer vouched for me and told them that the power connector on the mobo was totally screwed. Then Ithey told me they wud change it and charge me 450 bucks for it. I got it changed but never paid them ;)
well, seeing this am glad that i didnt buy Phillips monitor, though i was inclined towards it but my dealer specifically told me not to go for it as its service is not good..
I hate samsung more, even after, this incident.Their 753S was ,I still maintain,atleast 5 times worse than any Philips monitor including the bad ones.And not to mention that they WILL NEVER GIVE A REPLACEMENT EVER.
In case of the current problem i.e color purity problem atleast the philips engineer accepted that their is a problem but Samsung never once accepted any problem.(Not to mention a microwave by Samsung that has died 10 times in as many months,while an old LG keeps chugging along fine.)
undertaker said:

We have one that is an exception then :P ....A SyncMaster 700pPlus (think my family paid ~24K long back for its supposedly better resolution !). The original one developed hair-line cracks in the inside of the screen. Getting a full replacement wasn't easy though; took some string-pulling with Samsung, Noida (that's where their HO is, right ?).
Samsung has one of the best After sales services in electronics item. Infact they have the best after service for any companies. I have had awesome expereinces with their Referigrators, TV's, Monitors, Cell Phones and HDD's
Samsung is very good abroad,infact so is anything that still comes from their Korean factories eg. HDDs,Ram etc.
A friend of mine trained at their plant in Noida,its better that I not go into specifics buts lets just say that quality was not a prime concern for their technicians.
in india majority of service is provided through the franchisee model so it is the local person incharge of matters is the main culprit.

i had a horrible problem with the samsung people while trying to rectify my old cd rw which they could not rectify or even acknowledge the problem.

so it is your luck which is more important factor there.
Talking of Samsung Quality control,
Here is my experience so far

1- Samsung fridge bought by my ex-flatmate. Got delivered on door and we happily plugged it in and stowed away a full box of beer inside....30 mins later, we come back and realize the beer inside is warmer than the beer left outside ;)
Called the delaer for a replaement wo insisted that we get in touch with Samsung service. The Samsung service guys were willing to come over only between 9AM-6PM so we waited for the weekend(saturday) Guy comes over and 2 mins later declares the fridge will have to be replaced...Know why? Coz there was no refrigerant...talk of QC

2- Samsung C-100.: Lovely good lookin pone which I bought along with a bill and Samsung India warranty card from an outlet in Gurgaon..Worked like a charm for a month after which calls started dropping of their own aaccord accompanied by a shrill whistling sound. Took it to the Samsung sevice center opposite Nehru Place (Must admit they had charming wonmen on the front desk), anyway, after a 30 minute wait in the queue, it was my turn...The service guy takes alook, asks me for the card, and then punches in sumthng on his PC. 1 min later, he says this won't be covered under warranty :-O...I was like absolutely blown, and hissed across to him asking the reason why....
Imagine my chagrin when he says that the IMEI records for this phone say it was meant to be shipped to the Netherlands and not India.....I flash the Samsung India warranty card to him with the IMEI no (same as what he punched in) on it but he still refuses....
Finally, after some 15 mins of arguing, he asked me to ask my dealer to fax across the way-bill for the phone to them.....so I call up the Poor dealer who says he'll go bonkers if he had to look for the way-bill for a single phone sold so long back....Anyway, finally the porr dealer sent it across after which thse buggers finally fixed the phone (It was a firmware bug by the way, which these morons should have fixed even with an expired warranty)

3- Samsung TV: Nice good lookin Flat screen TV with nice picture quality et-al...Till the time i decided to plugin a DVD thru the AV In jack and the Video screen stayed blank.....
After long calls to the service center and unending waits, finally the technician lands up and fixes the TV in 5 mins flat...Know how?
The AV pin - PCB solder was a dry joint (Any electronic enthusiast would know why a dry solder is an inexcusable basic flaw that even an amateur would not do)

So much for Korean QC
superczar said:

1- Samsung fridge bought by my ex-flatmate. Got delivered on door and we happily plugged it in and stowed away a full box of beer inside....30 mins later, we come back and realize the beer inside is warmer than the beer left outside ;)

Ur mistake totally! u know very well what happens when u load something with beer.. it gets hot n drunk.. so, naturally, that was to be expected of ur fridge..
TheMask said:
Ur mistake totally! u know very well what happens when u load something with beer.. it gets hot n drunk.. so, naturally, that was to be expected of ur fridge..
Good one there mask. :rofl: BTW if beer does that to samsung,wonder what will happen if u accidently put gin or whisky in it. :rofl:
But as I said, a friend has witnessed the QC at Samsung's Noida factory(basically its a joke for the idiots who assemble things there!) and it was a bad experience.
BTW,TVs and refrigerators are assembled in India,atleast to my knowledge and thats where the fault is.
As long as the thing is completely built in Korea,it stays good.Sad commentary on Samsung India though. :tongue:
undertaker said:
As long as the thing is completely built in Korea,it stays good.Sad commentary on Samsung India though.

..... and it is not only Indian workers who are not up to the mark - look at the workmanship of an Antec True480 PSU's PCB which is made in China. Even a dumbass like me can solder better than that :ohyeah:
That's still a working joint....Think bout my ire when I discovered that there is a dry solder in my Samsung TV PCB....
Well well, why don't you sue them in the consumer forum by yourself? Don't mind my saying so but you talk about lax consumer redressal system, have you approached one? Your case alone is strong enough, not only for complete replacement of the unit but also damages for harrasment, without any joint action.

As for Rashi, those guys are really something. About 3-4 years back I had bought an Asus A7V from them. A repair job came up during warranty period so I took it to Rashi and they repaired the thing after a lot of arguements and debate. The bulk of their time was spent not on rectifying the problem but in trying to convince me that the problem does not exit !!! Infact, at one time being fed up I decided to take my board back and at the back of Rashi's job completion/release slip, I wrote a long complaint on how I was harrased :ohyeah: It was then that they finally sent the board to Bombay for repairs (as they claimed).

Anyway, the best was yet to come. When I had to collect the repaired board, the 'engineer' installed a cheap no-name three clip heatsink because (in his own words) "it holds the board better than single clip and so safer than stock". Nearly one year later, I had grown more familiar with my motherboard and wanted to replace this heatsink with a better one. And lo! When I opened the system to replace the heatsink I found the middle notch on the socket was missing. Immediatly the truth dawned on me. So I called up Rashi, explained very politely and all but they won't listen. Finally, I droppped a sweet little legal notice and everything became smooth. Free, prompt and clean socket replacement.

But the motto I want to convey is, nobody wants to work on his own will, the law of inertia at work :ohyeah: And yes, consumer redressal system is slow but there is a reason for the pace it works at. It can't go any faster given that both the parties have to be given a complete chance of presenting their points, and also the perennial problem of our judicial system, overwork. But unless strong examples are set by consumers, braving the hardships and headaches, I don't think the manufacturers, vendors, service providers et al are ever going to change.

So think again. Don't you want to sue them? I'd be glad to help if you need any practical advice on this matter. I love to hate people like your Deepak Shah who act as if after sales service is a charity.
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Yes very soon I'll file for damages in the consumer court.They have asked for a week for a final replacement,failing which I WILL sue them.
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