Host your own Win 7 launch parties supported by MS

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eXcesscaLIBER said:
just registered for it today.. hope I am not late..

Yes you are. The application process ended last week with the results being announced yesterday.

hp-india said:
You will get an email if you have not been selected.
And I used a email id. Guess that worked.. :)

Major problems on the site, I guess. After several tries, I was able to login now, and it gives me this warning:

I used my personal ID from my own domain name. Doesn't really matter. I have 3 Win7 machines at my place with over 10 people attending. Anyway, I guess I'm lucky but I had everything they asked for. Which would be the reason why I got selected. Can't comment on others.

People at Microsoft never have biases towards what email ID you use. You can use your Gmail/Yahoo ID and that would be fine too :)

Crazysah said:
What was your address? When I try to sign up again it says this address is currently inavlid...

BTW - How do I delete multiple applications? By mistake finished another application. I was checking the details and clicked finish by mistake.

As I said, you're already too late. Sorry :)
sathyanaidu said:
Phew, things are sorted out.. me back as host, does anyone know whether we'll be receiving the 32-bit or 64-bit copy?

It does not really matter does it.
Whichever copy you get, same keys work on both versions. So you can download untouched copies from net and activate them using the keys you get.
Sandy said:
No email nothing
My status still says
Active Applicant :S
lolwtf O.o
Also, I didn't get an email until I logged in and clicked the button to set my party up though some people I know seem to have received mails before they set it up.

Aladdin said:
Errrr....i registered today ! Am i still eligible?
No. Sorry :(

Crazysah said:
@ John - I had already signed up way before.
Oh lol.. sorry, misunderstood what you meant.
But anyway, if you didn't get selected, I don't think you will be selected now.

Shripad said:
It does not really matter does it.
Whichever copy you get, same keys work on both versions. So you can download untouched copies from net and activate them using the keys you get.
Also, you get both copies in the disc. As the FAQ reads, the black sleeve as x86 and the white sleeve has x64 ;) And as Shripad corretly stated, keys work the same on both copies. I should know.. I'm sharing a key on my x86 desktop and my x64 laptop.. shh :P
John Anderton said:
lolwtf O.o
Also, I didn't get an email until I logged in and clicked the button to set my party up though some people I know seem to have received mails before they set it up.
No. Sorry :(
Oh lol.. sorry, misunderstood what you meant.
But anyway, if you didn't get selected, I don't think you will be selected now.
Also, you get both copies in the disc. As the FAQ reads, the black sleeve as x86 and the white sleeve has x64 ;) And as Shripad corretly stated, keys work the same on both copies. I should know.. I'm sharing a key on my x86 desktop and my x64 laptop.. shh :P

Where is the button to click and setup your party?
Crazysah said:
What was your address? When I try to sign up again it says this address is currently inavlid...

BTW - How do I delete multiple applications? By mistake finished another application. I was checking the details and clicked finish by mistake.

Same happened with me too... just delete your details from the new account that's it... :)
so many TE - win 7 launch parties wonderful.

wish i was in big city like those with enthusiasts. :P


even i got approved as a host...

btw...i used my gmail id...

and i have the same question as someone they just send out the win7 dvds?....or do they check if i have actually hosted a party...
John Anderton said:
lolwtf O.o

No. Sorry :(

Back it man? Was there any last date to apply? I see nothing anywhere, not even after google hunting.....

The site says, active applicant...
Aladdin said:
Back it man? Was there any last date to apply? I see nothing anywhere, not even after google hunting.....

The site says, active applicant...

As far as I know, its too late to apply now. I might be wrong though.
Crazysah said:
How do I do that?
BTW - It is not a new account just a new application...

Never mind. Just send them a mail and ask them to delete your second application. Tell them that it was by mistake. It worked for me so hopes works for you too :)
I just saw the party map on the site and it seems that there are 350+ parties in India! I expected a much bigger number than this. Going by the replies of this thread, at least 25 TE members must be hosting a party :D :hap2:
sathyanaidu said:
Alrite, I've got the confirmation, hosting a party, dunno when I'll receive a copy of Win 7 :P

SoMxNemesis also got confirmation..


Seems the first email I got the other day was that I was a finalist for a Win7 party.. I just got confirmed last night :)

The confirmation e0mal is still slightly different from the pic posted by sathyanaidu..

First one said..

Subject: Welcome, You’re a Finalist to Host a Windows® 7 Launch Party

Title: You’re so close to hosting a Windows® 7 Launch Party.

Second one says..

Subject: Welcome to the party, you’re a Windows® 7 Launch Party Host

Title: Congratulations! You are confirmed as a Windows® 7 Launch Party host.

So yay!

(This is just a note for people who received emails to read the wordings carefully :))

amol_cool said:
I just saw the party map on the site and it seems that there are 350+ parties in India! I expected a much bigger number than this. Going by the replies of this thread, at least 25 TE members must be hosting a party :D :hap2:

They have to think about costs as well. A copy of Win7 isn't cheap but that's not a big deal. Sending the package to a couple of thousand people takes a lot of money. Then they also have to ensure a good percentage of them will actually invite people and not just keep the stuff. At the end of the day, they want to publicize the fact that Win7 is a great OS and the best way to do that is low level marketing by geeks for a fraction of the cost of what it costs them to use the media (and for software, people don't really look at media as much).
amol_cool said:
Never mind. Just send them a mail and ask them to delete your second application. Tell them that it was by mistake. It worked for me so hopes works for you too :)
I just saw the party map on the site and it seems that there are 350+ parties in India! I expected a much bigger number than this. Going by the replies of this thread, at least 25 TE members must be hosting a party :D :hap2:
I sent them an email but nothing has happened so far. What address did you send it to?

EDIT: Nevermind. I am not a finalist.
:@:@ Sorry, your application was not among those selected for this event. :@:@
Sucked big time
Screw this party! so screw you guys I'm going home :P
Sandy said:
:@:@ Sorry, your application was not among those selected for this event. :@:@
Sucked big time
Screw this party! so screw you guys I'm going home :P

Just go to your details and tell me if you house address was valid...
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