Hosting a website on ur own PC?

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Sorry cant go through the images, since in office but I guess you are trying to use a different port other than Port 80, so are you trying to access it somehow like this??

"" - replace the domain name and port as per your configuration

also is it working when you try connecting using only IP and port no.?
Ryunosuke said:
all the domain name testing has been done from outside network! Come on guys I ain't a total noob here, I Know something about n/w that's y I'm messin wid it at the first place.

As for remote connections, read my earlier post, I want to shutdown the system over GPRS using my phone only.

Fine, then. Today I finally managed to look at your screenshots out of curiosity. Two things:

1. All of your screenshots describe only your Windows Firewall settings or your NAT settings at the router. None of them describe your router firewall. If your router does have a firewall, then you will need to add an exception there. It should be under the Security tab on the left. If you have, how about a screenshot of that?

2. Why did you turn on the remote access control settings? It's better to have them off unless you actually intend on administering your router from outside. How often will you really need to do that?
Go to Virtual Servers and add a virtual server with your System IP and add the port # 1987 to it, and you should be good....
And i hope you are accessing the website in this format
After the much needed help online by local TE newbie Vex, I finally got it running, just needed to make changes under Security tab, allow connections on needed ports from any IP , thus after making changes there, its all set and done. When my site is complete, will post about it under the Programming thread. :)
Please let me know the exact changes that you did in Security settings of the router. My problem is that I get a page cannot be displayed error, hoevere when I use a proxy such as, everything works fine
Settings are --
1. Static IP from BSNL.
2. WA3002G4 router from BSNL
3. IIS server running on XP Prof (which works fine tested it within domain from different machines) runnning on port 1308

I have also made a virtual server which maps to 1308 port on this machine and also have allowed the incoming TCP connection for 1308

Anything else ?:huh:
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