How do I dual boot - Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

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I have a Core i7 860 @ 3.675 GHz + 4GB DDR3 1600 CAS 7 + 6970 2GB. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 installed.

I want to have a dual boot and install Snow Leopard 10.5 too.

1. How do I go about it, is it possible in the first place?

2. Will the OS run smoothly and without too much trouble?

Please guide me step by step as to how to install it as dual boot!

Also, what is the difference btw dual boot and virtual box performance and usage?
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

This is piracy and shall not be discussed.
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

You want to dual boot mac with what windows or linux? Dual boot with windows is tricky, but you use it in a virtual machine :)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

avi said:
This is piracy and shall not be discussed.
This is not piracy assuming OP had genuine copy of the OS's
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

Installing it on Non-Apple hardware is illegal mate
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

What exactly do you want to do with snow leopard?
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

Net surfing, word, powerpoint, basic usage etc on Snow Leopard

Windows 7 for gaming.
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

^try it my way, it will work, i way tried that successful few months back :)
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

VMware ftw ! Why the heck do you want to use Snow Leopard for web surfing though o.O AFAIK Windows too has all the browsers available :P
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

Try looking up for "Hackintosh" on google or the OSX86 project as a starting point.
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

Installing OSX on a non Apple hardware violates Apple's terms & conditions. It is illegal to do so. Please keep such discussions off the forum.

Reporting this thread.
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

pauldmps said:
Installing OSX on a non Apple hardware violates Apple's terms & conditions. It is illegal to do so. Please keep such discussions off the forum.

Reporting this thread.
How about installing in a virtual machine, ie in an virtual environment, is that illegal too??
Re: How do I dual boot btw Snow Leopard and Windows 7?

As far as I know hackintosh comes from apple SDK for each release which are distributed to developers. Dont know if its illegal or not . But I have done a successful triboot with it .iDeneb v10.5.6 was the release that worked with my old setup currently no groups released an edition for my setup/
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