OC & Modding How Do I Stabilize My OverClock????


I tried to OC my pc but after OCing,my pc reboots when it reaches the boot screen so can anyone temme whats wrong????In my 1st attempt i took my 3200+ Winchester to 2423Mhz bt it wsnt stable then i tried to run it @ 2328Mhz but that also didnt work so i tried 2295Mhz and that also didnt work so i tried 2280Mhz and it was also not stable...currently am running my pc 2.1Ghz but i dont think that u can call this an OC....i'm using the stock HSF and this was my 1st attempt to OC....
You may need to also increase the voltage a little, but be really careful and do it really slowly in small increments. Have you changed them yet, and what do you have them at.

Putting the voltages too high can fry you processor, and also cause it to overheat. Try downloading a utility for watching your temps while you are doing this. I have an Intel cpu, so I am not sure which temp utility you should use, but I think I looked at a thread here at TE somewhere regarding this. :)
No i didnt touch the voltage wala part...all i did was this:-
Memclock Index Value:180Mhz
Cas Latency:2.5
FSB Frequency:255,245,240
HT Frequency:3x
CPU Ratio:x9.5,x9

can someone temme how much voltage should i increase coz i dont wanna end up with a fried procy.....
Anything upto 1.5V is fairly safe for starters.

Any chance for you to pop the heatsink off your CPU and note down the stepping? The Winchesters were pretty irregular in terms of overclocking... some would overclock well, others wouldnt.
Wat ram have you got? Run it with a divider and relax the timings a bit. This will have a big impact on stability... try to take the cpu to the max stable speed and put in a divider and see how tight you can make the timings.
i played a bit with the voltage settings and i think that its stable now....it botted properly and it passed the Vista benchmarking and the processor subscore increased from 4.0 to 4.2 and it also survived the HARDiNFO Overclocking Stability Test and the Stability Test of Everest Ultimate Edition....There is one thing which i dont understand and i.e when i'd OCed it,BIOS showed me a clock speed of 2280Mhz but Cpuz and Everest are displaying the clock speed as 2400Mhz....can sum1 temme y is this happening....
All i did was this:-
Memclock Index Value:180
Cas latency:2.5
FSB Frequency:240
HT Frequency:3x
CPU Ratio:x9.5
CPU VID:1.375volts
CPU Voltage:1.465volts
then after rebooting my CURRENT CPU CLOCK in BOIS was 2280 Mhz
and the CURRENT DDR CLOCK was 216 Mhz

should i try anymore stress/stability tests??????????the idle cpu temp has reached 44 degrees and the mobo temp has reached 41 degrees so are these temps high or are they normal.i live in delhi btw???
Well yes obviously... The 2 things you should definitely run after you overclock is memtest86 overnight for testing the stability of the memory. And run the prime95 for a minimum of 12 hours on blend. If things work out fine then you know for sure that your comp is stable.

And half multipliers are not true cpu multipliers... the memory will tend to use the next highest integer.
I ran the prime 95 stress twice for 12hrs and it failed both the times:mad: :mad: ...1st time it detected a hardware failure aftr 8hrs and 48mins and the 2nd time aftr 3hrs and 28mins........so what to do now?????????should i play around with the CPU voltage or should re-OC it?????????????:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
First determine what is screwing up your cpu or your ram. And from what I can see if your ram isn't very good... those timings are a little too. It shouldn't be your cpu coz this is not that much of an overclock. You need to relax the timings a bit more. If you can determine what chips you have then it'll be great you can determine whether you should go with tighter timings or a higher clock. Ideally though the ram timings should be kept tight for amd setups.
Thats the manufacturer man... see the serial no. and google it... you might get the name of the chips on it. It might also be written on the modules. Take it out and have a look at it. But thats not the point here. Relax ur timings a little that'll help a lot to stabilise your pc.
i tried to relax the timings but after i changed the cas latency to 3 my pc didnt boot...tried it a couple of times but it didnt work...i also tried to tighten the timings but that also didnt work.....any idea what to do now????????:( :huh: :sos::sos:
Tightening it will only make it worse. Ok then Im sure ur proccy can handle a lil more... put a cpu/12 divider for your ram and bump up the clocks on ur proccy a bit more. Summin like 2500/12=416 mhz for your ram... then u can leave ur latencies intact.

But first bump up the voltage for your ram a lil n try wts it on now. It'll be usefull to find out wat chip u have now... to determine the safe range for your ram.
i did a bit of tweaking and now my oc iz wrkin perfectly..this iz what i did:-
Memclock Index Value:150
Cas latency:2.5
FSB Frequency:240
HT Frequency:3x
CPU Ratio:x10
CPU VID:1.375volts
CPU Voltage:1.465volts

my ram i running @ 171.1mhz but its stable now...yay:hap2:
thnx 4 helping out...
Dear Gohan Sir,

You have not provided any data on temps under load or voltages under load.:(

Moreover you are OCing with the stock cooler and should be most careful about that.

Use coretemp and post a screenie of temps under load in Orthos or Prime95, blend test.:)

Also do you use your PC in an AC environ, Delhi temps this time of the year can be really bad and not so safe with a stock cooler.:(

I had to check rig gallery to check out what your config is.:no:

You have a CM extreme power 380 which has 16A on 12v, single rail and i would really appreciate a screenie of your voltages under load.:)

You also haven't exactly checked how much your RAM can OC max and run a overall OC accordingly.

Most kingston sold locally was rated 3-3-3-8, could u check cpu-z spd or everest and check whats your RAM timing at default.

What is the voltage you running on the RAMs- vdimm?

You have ended up doing lower than stock speeds on the RAM and i seriously don't know how fruitful it is.:S

2.4G is decent OC for a winnie.

sometimes the cpu can be a dud too.:p

I am trying to learn too so don't mind me asking all these things.:cool2:
will post the under load temps by 2moro...rams default timings are 3.0-3-3-8..i had taken my ram speed to 218mhz but then the OC wasn't stable...prime95 showed a hardware failure so i had reduce the ram speed...btw my ram has ELPIDA DD2508AMTA chips...my cpu's idle running temp iz 47dergrees and there iz no AC in my room,only a cooler...and the idle temp of my mobo is 45degrees....i haven't touched the vdimm voltage,its running on default...

I had to check rig gallery to check out what your config is.:no:You have a CM extreme power 380 which has 16A on 12v, single rail and i would really appreciate a screenie of your voltages under load.:)
how do i get a screenie of this???

btw here iz a screenie of prime95 stress test..:-