PC Peripherals How do you test a VX450 to know its dead or not ?

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Because of the previous problems of the mobo and delay in RMA, I decided to to buy an ASUS M2N68 mobo. But the problem i.e. no power in mobo persists. I've checked every cable and connection and didn't find any problem. As the mobo is a new one, it shouldn't be faulty. So it should be the PSU ( VX 450 ). But I can't believe its dead as not much load it has/had to take.

So, how do I test whether its dead or not without help of another machine ?
P.S. - I guess the socket of the mobo shouldn't be a problem as it clearly mentioned Phenom II processors supported although having old chipsets etc.

Going to the service centre is a pain for me and not possible for another week. :(
sabby said:
How do I flash it when the power doesn't come in mobo ?
he meant that sarcastically.

connect a fan to 12V pin.

disconnect all other components.

short green pin and black pin on the 24pin connector of psu.

There is only one Green wire on 24-pin connectors and many Black wires..(black = ground) Any will do, choose closest :P

if it is alive then fan should start.

for vx450, you dont need to connrct a fan as there is one in the psu itself; it shall spin if it's alive.

Warning: I'm not responsible for Apocalypse.

Alternatively, consider changing the power cable that powers vx450.

i lost 5 power cables 3weeks ago. had power issues in area and system would kill power cables during startup. No burning signs or such.. simple Max load situation at startup can be enough to wear down cheap quality cables sometimes...
sabby said:
I've checked every cable and connection and didn't find any problem. As the mobo is a new one, it shouldn't be faulty.

That still doesn't mean you can dismiss the possibility.

sunny27 said:
I think flashing the bios would help.

madnav said:
he meant that sarcastically.

No I am sure he meant it. Check the bios versions needed under processor compatibility list.

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. - Motherboards - ASUS M2N68

@ sabby: Out of curiosity, which board did you buy in the first place?
This might not make sense, but its something i did after i had a similar problem. My system just wouldnt power up, so checked the PSU the way madnav has suggested (but instead of a fan attached the DVD writer). PSU was fine, so did a full CMOS reset. And the system duly powered up.
The Sorcerer said:
That still doesn't mean you can dismiss the possibility.

No I am sure he meant it. Check the bios versions needed under processor compatibility list.

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. - Motherboards - ASUS M2N68

@ sabby: Out of curiosity, which board did you buy in the first place?
completely missed out on that possibility assuming it would be latest by 2-3months.

And also because I understood 'no power in mobo' = no Power LED indicator ON on mobo.

Also, current gen mobo's do power up despite of unsupported cpu, the cpu fan speed will be constant and low without self test (or is it a never ending self test?). There wont be display but this would be enough to deduce it being either power failure or a mobo failure.

but anyways, he did check the psu last night and found it dead.
Easiest solution to this problem is to get some old compatible cpu with the motherboard and --if you are a noob load windows on it. download the latest bios and flash the motherboard with asus's bios flashing utility. If you are not a noob get the latest compatible bios and run it off a floppy/cd. Then try putting in the newer amd AM3 cpus.
The Sorcerer said:
That still doesn't mean you can dismiss the possibility.
No I am sure he meant it. Check the bios versions needed under processor compatibility list.
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. - Motherboards - ASUS M2N68

@ sabby: Out of curiosity, which board did you buy in the first place?
You mean the motherboard I gave for RMA ? That is Biostar TA790GX 128M :|

Anyway, I tested the PSU with a pin and the fan's not moving. I'll try to go to tirupati on wednesday.
P.S. - Sorry for delay in replying, posting from mobile wasn't working :(
I called Tirupati a couple of days ago. The person asked me to take the PSU with me and assured of replacement in Kaizen Infoserve's Centre which is very near to their shop. I asked a few times and he confirmed that Saturday is a working day for both of them. Took the PSU today and they called kaizen and said I have to go again on Monday as today is off day. :@

Besides, the person at Kaizen also told me that once I gave them the PSU, the replacement will be sent by courrier within 1 week. I thought that it is done instantly ? :S
After a lot of searching and with help from saiyan, I found Kaizen Infoserve (Corsair RMA partner) today and gave the psu. Th person said Corsair will send me a new PSU within a week. Let's see. :|
corsair after service care is good ... specially at kaizen .. I had pleasant experience with them .. .and the thing that they send via courier is the best as you dont have to queue up to collect the product :) .
Okay. I got my replacement PSU last Monday. But there's a new problem. Whenver switch on the PSU, the SB_LED of the mobo turns on but still it refuses to boot i.e. no CPU/PSU fan movement. I tried my old mobo which I got back after RMA (And they tested it before giving it to me) and nothing happens when I press the power button. What should I do now ? :S

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^^ Anyone ?? :(
Alright. Found out that the replacement PSU was faulty too :@ Bought an intex SMPS and now the system is starting n running fine.
sabby said:
Alright. Found out that the replacement PSU was faulty too :@ Bought an intex SMPS and now the system is starting n running fine.

Sad :(. This seems to be an unprecedented case. How long before your next replacement arrives ?
I'm yet to go to kaizen infoserve to submit the faulty one. usually they take around 3 days to deliver the SMPS to your house. :)
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