How I dramatically improved the stability of my internet connection

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@kvikram I've contacted TPLink's technical team about this issue too, it looks like the option is inactive in the latest firmware of TD8816. I'll be sending the modem for replacement and I've ordered a backup modem too.
A month before I switched to a TP-LINK modem which had the G.DMT option, and it worked great for some time. Then I got a weird issue where the DSL light would become unstable. Normally, before I switched to G.DMT, it was the internet light which was unstable while the DSL light would always be rock-solid. I automatically assumed that it was some kind of problem with the line, and pestered the ISP to no avail.
Noticed this happened yesterday, just half hour after my cycle for the month begins. The dsl light never returned until i checked the dsl modulation settings in the morning. Turns out i had to enable adsl2+ just to sync with airtels server. So i have only two options ticked g.dmt & adsl2+, the status shows it connected with adsl2+.

Never had a problem with g.dmt before. The modem is over 2.5 years old now and will have to see how stable it will be.

Tried an older modem which does not even have adsl2+ and it refused to connect. Seems adsl2+ is required now.

Turns out it was a mistake on my part. While on most modems, the default MTU value is 1492 (which is what works for BSNL), the MTU value on my modem was 1480, which was the default. I changed it to 1492 this afternoon and so far it has been super-stable. Let's see how it goes. :)
In bridge mode there is no mtu setting at all. What got me to reconnect was enabling adsl2+

So something changed yesterday and g.dmt for some reason no longer works.
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