How I met your mother.

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Anyone watched the series, I simply loved it. Its more like friends in its heydays ie 6-7 seasons without the irritating characters.
The characterisation is simply awesome, a must watch comedy series.
been watching for a long time. saw it from the day season 1 ep1 released.

also check out the class. its also timepass & also 30 rock & till death.

some all time kickass comedy is also there called "its always sunny in philladelphia" & "the knights of prosperity"
dunno but how i met your mother was alirght for me.. totally love knights of prosperity though.. great show..

and the class was nice too. sadly cant find season 1 of it :( if anyone finds it pls lemme know..(prefreable on rapidshare ;) :)
Hmmm...Should also check out Coupling. Too bad, it had only 4 seasons. Or else it is the best comedy I have seen till date.
evilution said:
Hmmm...Should also check out Coupling. Too bad, it had only 4 seasons. Or else it is the best comedy I have seen till date.

seinfeld, coupling, arrested development & its always sunny in philladelphia are the best comedy shows of all time & no other shows have even come close to them. although couping season 4 was very bad as it dint have jeff.
Aces170 said:
Hey Rahul, its sunny in philadelphia seems really awesome, however am having probs finding it.

yes its very hard to find. i found just on 1 private site after searching on several. very underated show but its 1 of the best.
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