How is Iphone for 15K

I would suggest you to wait for the I-phone 3g to launch in India , should launch around diwali season. AFAIK its gonna be cheaper then 15k when launched.
Then wait till people get it from abroad to India. I mean its just $200 and it is better than the current one. (GPS + 3G. Ok so 3G is meaningless in India but GPS is there).

So please for a short while and I am sure many people may import it from abroad. (Maybe even by KMD route)
somebody posted here that the new iphone wont be unlocked or something ..?

does that mean ki the iphone purchased in USA cant be uncloked for usage with service provider like airtel ..??
Spacescreamer said:
somebody posted here that the new iphone wont be unlocked or something ..?

does that mean ki the iphone purchased in USA cant be uncloked for usage with service provider like airtel ..??

Unlocking is not the issue. I'm sure George Hotz, the iPhone Dev Team, or Zibree will be able to unlock the modem firmware. The problem is buying the bloody iPhone! Apparently you have to enter the At&T contract and choose a plan for yourself before you leave the Apple or AT&T store. And AT&T rules state that if you break the contract in the first 6 months or something, you have to pay an early termination penalty fee of 175$. So if you buy a 200$ iPhone (not including 6-8% tax) plus a 175$ termination fee, the price comes back to around 400$.

Basically, unless you stick with AT&T for 2 years, you won't be getting the iPhone for as cheap as it appears to be.
Spacescreamer said:
somebody posted here that the new iphone wont be unlocked or something ..?

does that mean ki the iphone purchased in USA cant be uncloked for usage with service provider like airtel ..??

Yes apparently at&t has figured out some new conspiracy forcing consumers to get the most expensive plan, if they can get the iphone for 199$ :no:
Unlocking is not the issue. I'm sure George Hotz, the iPhone Dev Team, or Zibree will be able to unlock the modem firmware. The problem is buying the bloody iPhone! Apparently you have to enter the At&T contract and choose a plan for yourself before you leave the Apple or AT&T store. And AT&T rules state that if you break the contract in the first 6 months or something, you have to pay an early termination penalty fee of 175$. So if you buy a 200$ iPhone (not including 6-8% tax) plus a 175$ termination fee, the price comes back to around 400$.

and this complication will ensure that the supply of phones in the local markets will dry up which means the price of the existing stock at grey mkt dealers will shoot up till the iphone is offically launched in India ...

and it's anybody's guess what the iphone price in India will be....

If you are keen on getting the phone asap, pick it at 15K, it's a decent price....

if you are willing to wait it out to see what the India launch price would be, you can take a chance on it too
oh yea..

rite .. had completely forgotten abt that rotten agreement u have to make with those ppl..

Oh well Another 2 years waiting time for a cheap + second hand iphone..? Naah

That clause is pretty smart from the Apple's Point of view i guess...

that ll prevent ppl from getting it from the places it has been launched like the earlier days..

I think the indian price wd be ... umm say .. anywhere near 12k (u know how clauses are worked out).. so that shd be again cheaper than 15k as ^^ mentioned..

So makes sense to wait till its launched here.
No Indian prices wont be 12K final , even if they give at 12 K they will put up some crap contract based plan like AT&T does, else it doesn't mke sense for them to keep phone that cheap . At 15 K, 1 month old iphone is a good deal .
i have a feeling its better to get old iphone cheaper......we ppl know abt contract stuff so we know new one wont come here cheap...wht i hear frm ppl mouth here is new iphone will launch for 199$ so they thinking existing on will become useless so they selling with less thy know wht gps and other feature it has......

But again dont know wht will b the unlocking scene so me myself jus far as my knowledge and stuff i read airtel will launch the stuff with internet plan...and they are working hard to ready the 3g network thats the reason we will see it launch in sep or oct......but if the new is launched for less than 18k its gr8 buy but have a gut feeling it will b 20k+....premium will b charged....
Well A phone with that Memory, Screen size, 3G. And more of a brand value will definately be above 20K. I have a gut feeling it will be above 25K. Anyway Its vodafone brining Iphone here first not airtel.