How is Mangalore?

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How is Mangalore for a city to live in? Lived in Mysore for a while, was ok considering Infy campus is kick ass to live in. But got bored towards the end. How is mangalore crowd? How's the computer market? lol Good pubs/restaurants for weekend entertainment? I know its a beach town and all, but the novelty of a beach will be lost in a few days.

I'm getting an offer to move there for better project, same company, not much more money, but project is more interesting and better for resume. I'm trying to decide if its worth it.
If it's good for your career, go ahead. If you have a few friends from other religions who might be in Mangalore, dont go. IF you have a GF in M'lore, dont go.

Since you are a guy though, no problems if you go to a pub, drink, beat up some girls, no problems!! All that is part of Indian culture!

Apart from that, it is a very quiet place. Traffic is like Mysore I hear, but nothing much to do there. Not great food. No variety. Not many entertainment options either.
heh... other religion, gf... funny. :P Imagine a gf from another religion. Doesn't sound like a lotta fun. May be if I can get a short term relocation.
Nikhil said:
If it's good for your career, go ahead. If you have a few friends from other religions who might be in Mangalore, dont go. IF you have a GF in M'lore, dont go.

Since you are a guy though, no problems if you go to a pub, drink, beat up some girls, no problems!! All that is part of Indian culture!

Seems like the perfect place for me :hap2:
Mangalore-Manipal belt is another cosmopolitan belt after Banglore in karnataka.this Manglore is infamous for--> chotta-mumbai(underworld..?) ;) .

less expensive compared to banglore.hindi/english/tulu/konkani/kannada(multi lang) speaking crowd.allover ,kudla(alternate name) is a good city.and those Sri rama sene BS -don't care.I remember visiting Milagres Infant Jesus church,panambur beach etc.good :) .there are many tourist spots near too(bekal fort?)
Mangalore is much better than Mysore anyday.

Has much better crowd,age wise,you'll find lots of young people hanging out regularly at happening places.Although, recent incidents has dented that,but things are back to normal.

Pubs and restaurants,plenty.You will have to get used to food though.

Traffic,sucks big time.

Weather,summers are hot and powercuts can drive you nuts.

Cost of living,slightly higher than Mysore.

Worst part,despite being a modern city,its communally sensitive!

To put it together, its a nice place to settle down.
I'd vouch for Mysore to Mangalore any day considering the weather and traffic. Sucks bad. :|

Infy campus at Mysore, OMG can never forget. :O
Mangalore is one of the cleanest cities in India.If you are a non vegetarian(love fish??)... then its a right place. But this city has its own problems like its communally disturbed(Hindu Muslim fights happen very often) and weather is not favorable in any season.

This city shuts down by 8.30 - 9.00pm. So no nightlife at all or its very less...
IT is not yet catching in cochin.not cosmopolitan to the levels of bangalore or mangalore.English is widely understood/talked.but hindi is not accepted(for n.indians).


as I said ,if you are a north indian ,you won't repent being at m'lore. :)
You worked for infy? What' wrong the mysore campus? :P Its bloody beautiful.

Gunman said:
I'd vouch for Mysore to Mangalore any day considering the weather and traffic. Sucks bad. :|

Infy campus at Mysore, OMG can never forget. :O
Myth_Pharoah said:
It sounded like he thought it was a nightmare. :P I'm getting so many mixed reviews about the project as well... confusion confusion.

If not m'lore, where'd u get your project?

AFAIK, its only at bigger DCs where you can get better onsite opportunities..
remember one M'lore Infy centre is an SEZ.. so getting out if you want to is near impossible..
Dude i am from mangalore man and i truely say it rocks man ...just that u need friends to freak out the chicks are hot nowdays its a bit hot now @ 27C not much of traffic like bangalore nite life is fun al pubs and discoes will be open til 11 or 11.30 ..its fun but u should know some one here...gimme me call when ya come here i ll be free after my work timings...
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