How is "Paranormal Activity"?

ive seen it.. nthn new .. but the budget of the film is awesome..

after shootin it for such a low cost they mae huge profs.. :D

nice time pass for me.. :) but more scarry than this u shld try Drag me to hell..

the old lady is more scary .. :D
After a long time did I feel scared watching a movie when I watched paranormal activity.. mostly because they managed to give an impression that it was real footage and not a shoot....
Holy mother of lord! I just saw the movie and it was shit scary alright.

I'd recommend watching the movie in the night with the lights off, alone, using some good cans. Let's see how many of them could *actually* do that. And post back the experiences. I wish the theatrical ending was screened in one of the theatres here.

Blairwitch was hardly anything IMO.