How lame can Digit get

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Leave it guys.

Bashing other forums is not gona achieve anything. We all know why we are here and why this place is more active and with more good post than crap ;)

Thats what matters, spread message about TE through PM to any good worthy members, thats what i did.
Funky said:
Leave it guys.
Bashing other forums is not gona achieve anything. We all know why we are here and why this place is more active and with more good post than crap ;)
Thats what matters, spread message about TE through PM to any good worthy members, thats what i did.

like me :D
i was thinking to pm some digit members to share there knowledge here....but i guess ill b banned frm digit if i do i tak the risk wht say????
If you value your Digit membership, then dont do that......

If you dont care for Digit, then PM them and tell them.

And you will get banned only ig the members report you :P

Upto you though
yup i guess i better try social enginering........ill pm the guy asking some question...ofcourse he will answer than ill tell him l8er after few days...i m regular here and u too can share your knowledge here.......ill try that
aha so you guyz are supposedly Pm'n
ahem!! beg people there to join your forums here
hmm have to report this to the admin raaabo i guess
techno_funky said:
aha so you guyz are supposedly Pm'n

ahem!! beg people there to join your forums here

hmm have to report this to the admin raaabo i guess

yea, just as the way the guys over at Digit were coming here and PMing users here about publishing their articles and stuff in thier Magazine with no credit given to TE, and in some cases no mention of the Member name.

Frankly speaking, Controling user PM is beyond our control and what members discuss in their PM is ofcource Private. ofcource if you know of a method to avoid the so called promotion of the site via PM, contact the admins and they will surely implement it...
techno_funky said:
aha so you guyz are supposedly Pm'n
ahem!! beg people there to join your forums here
hmm have to report this to the admin raaabo i guess
Well see it more like this.
We help poor souls getting wrong advice on forum where hardly anyone cares these days.
Sorry M8 but lots of work and dedication is required to build up a community. What we do in PM is our own concern, its called Private Message. And personally i only directed people that i thought will get better help here and wont be jack@$$ on forums.
The place where simply talking about overclocking resulted in mass flaming is not ideal community.
Funky said:
Well see it more like this.
We help poor souls getting wrong advice on forum where hardly anyone cares these days.
Sorry M8 but lots of work and dedication is required to build up a community. What we do in PM is our own concern, its called Private Message. And personally i only directed people that i thought will get better help here and wont be jack@$$ on forums.
The place where simply talking about overclocking resulted in mass flaming is not ideal community.

allrite then by what you mean i guess ill too start off Pm'n people on this forum
to join any other forum then
since i might as well feel people would be helped at much better than here

about the flaming part there 13k+ users on digit did every member flame you
they dint
so how can you say that the forum is not an ideal community
techno_funky said:
allrite then by what you mean i guess ill too start off Pm'n people on this forum
to join any other forum then
since i might as well feel people would be helped at much better than here

about the flaming part there 13k+ users on digit did every member flame you
they dint
so how can you say that the forum is not an ideal community
mods and admins from digit were involved in that incident, thats what ;)
And go on, give it a try. Best of luck with that.
techno_funky said:
allrite then by what you mean i guess ill too start off Pm'n people on this forum to join any other forum then since i might as well feel people would be helped at much better than here
fair enuf..go ahead.
just make sure the members u send the PMs to don report it to mods
else u mite be in trouble. :)
techno_funky said:
allrite then by what you mean i guess ill too start off Pm'n people on this forum to join any other forum then

since i might as well feel people would be helped at much better than here

hey mate, u r welcome to use the PM system to communicate with anyone, as long as no harm is intended, toward the person or the community as a whole. We know there are much better communities out there and most of our members here are part of multiple communities/forums. We see no harm in sharing knowledge, as long as it is in the benefit of the community/forums and its members :)

techno_funky said:
about the flaming part there 13k+ users on digit did every member flame you

they dint so how can you say that the forum is not an ideal community

it doesnt take to be flamed by 13k+ ppl to get an impression (good or bad) about an online community. Getting flamed by a handful is enough. Take the essence of this thread for that matter. A simple non-offensive PM from the mod without a "u'll earn a On a Warning tag" threat wud have cleared all things. It wudnt have lead to this whole mess in the first place. I dont want to debate about that issue here. I am merely taking it as an example to prove my point, point being one doesnt need to be flamed by 13k+ ppl to feel offended :)
Digit Forums.......
Well well
There are too many things goin on and happened there...dont have the patience and also its not worth wasting my valuable time over Digit forums....:fatigue:
^^ i wud agree with Darky. Thinkdigit was the place i started with as being a part of Indian Community. I had the privilege of having made more than a 1000 posts. But if u look up my name (TheMask) now, u'll not find any more than 150 posts. where have my other posts gone, i have no clue ;)
techno i think u got wrong....wht i was sayin was abt..intelligent guys over there to join here.....and share knowledge here too...........
And FYI ,
We once were loyal members of the Digit Forums.Things changed in such a away that we couldnt take it but then few members there had developed good friendship so they decided to start their own thing.Proboards was born,then TA and now TE.
So i guess,we dont need lessons about community spirit and all from noobs like you.
Thank You.
nor do i wanan start a fight here
nor do i wanna PM anybody
all i was angry at was the way you people
talk about the people at digit "lamers"
is what some of you call us

so many of you were part of digit once
werent you
dint you learn anything at this Lame place

anways i wont be visitng this site anymore
since iam a lamer too supporting my lame place
and you people are the best out there
aint it

and yes please do deactivate my account here
Well the question here is not whether we learnt something or not,its about the attitude of some jacka@#es out there.
If you read the first post carefully,its targetted at those very people and not everybody.
Read carefully.
techno_funky said:
and yes please do deactivate my account here
ah.. c'on mate.. dont let these n00bs (especially darky's acting like one tonite :ohyeah: ) discourage you from posting here.
no hard feelings bro.. we have been part of Digit before, but our experience, though initially was good, it wasnt anything great to talk about. Ppl here have expressed their opinions based on their experience in the past.
Techno... First of all Welcome to TE...

Now thats done... Second and most important thing is that a forum is represented by the members and taken care by mods... I am a member at lot of forums but trust me i have never ever received such a lame PM like this on any of the forums... Be it on TE, [H], or any other forums but a Mod first of all deleting the thread and then PMing me offensively for no fault of mine is absolutely wrong... I did PMed the mod back before posting the thread but after not getting a reply from the Mod i posted the thread... And if you see in the entire thread i myself had not named the Mod cause i dont want to publicaly humiliate anybody...

As far as PMing is concerned i know one thing it is the content which matters and like mindedness... I know quite a lot of people who left TE over Digit and i know quite a lot of people who are in TE and left Digit... To each his own... One can always invite but to keep him is a tough job... Maybe i was wrong at saying " How lame can digit get " but it was afterall a Mod who made me say that... He apologised and its over then and there...
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