I am like Bluffmaster in a way as I too have patterns similar to seasons (won't call them seasons as these patterns change quickly and are subject to many external influences
) I can have days where I tend to do things that can be grouped together. Gaming, Movies, TV shows, etc all have there 15 seconds of fame
. If I find a game engrossing enough (Latest example would be Portal 2, which I finshed in a single sitting of about 8+ hrs
) I could switch on my gamer personality and go gung-ho with my mouse and keyboard, or at other times movies and critiquing them would be the norm!
P.S. Now I come to think of it, I tend to hang out with different friends for these "patterns" hence each friend has a different take on my personality

P.S. Now I come to think of it, I tend to hang out with different friends for these "patterns" hence each friend has a different take on my personality