How many of you are stuck with a iphone 4 without a unlock !

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As the thread title suggests i have a iPhone 4 and i am stuck as it came with 4.1 OS and 2.xx.xx baseband and according to my googling there is no unlock out for it, infact i read nobody is even making one. Everybody is concentrating on the 4.2 which is due this month(Noveber 2010) but nobody knows when as its apple.

I am totally pissed as my current phone's battery is a pain and i really want a new battery but now as i have a new and expensive phone i dont want to spend any more on the battery.

How many more are stuck as me...
Re: How many of you are stuck with a iphone 4 without a unlok !


Check this bro


So that means Musclenerd already have exploited the baseband 5.14.2 and unlock is ready and they are just waiting for Apple to launch OS 4.2

So few more weeks and i think

And Switch even i am stuck with baseband 5.14.2 and waiting for Unlock eagerly

then spend the few hundred n get the battery , would server as a good backup phone :P

the unlock is ready and would be released the day apple officially pushes 4.2 :)
Any firm/roumered dates for 4.2...

okey just got this info...

Just when you thought that we’ve seen every Apple event there is for the Cupertino-based company this year, comes this good but not so surprising news (if you are an Apple pundit) about another big A’s event happening on November, more specifically, it will happen on the first or second week before Black Friday 2010.
I'm gonna get my iphone sometime tomorrow. Was bought today in the US. I guess i will be stuck too. I hope the baseband i get is one of the two that have an unlock imminent.
Don't think so. Most of the iphone being shipped comes preloaded with OS 4.1 with 2.xx.xx baseband while if you update to 4.1 via itunes it becomes 5.xx.xx(I could be wrong but a lot of reading over the internet makes me believe so).

Though there are three news of interest:

1. A hardware exploit has been found in bootrom and it is not possible for apple to patch it even with OS 4.2.

2. According to apple insider a golden master of OS 4.2 has already been passed to app developers sometime in the end of Oct 2010.

3. Finally and most importantly apple would be releasing the 4.2 to public before black friday. Black friday happens to be on Nov 26 2010 so we all can expect the Jailbreak and unlock before the end of November.

I hope i got my facts right.
I hope you are right too.the best case scenario right now doesn't look better than about a months time of waiting, from now :/.
There are no paid unlock codes for iPhone . If someone tells you , they can unlock your iphone when no one else can , its a scam ! :P
FaH33m said:
There are no paid unlock codes for iPhone . If someone tells you , they can unlock your iphone when no one else can , its a scam ! :P
i think if u have purchased an iphone from UK then most service providers there do unlock it for a fee .. and ur phone technically becomes fac unlocked
^ That's a completely different procedure . Not for someone who buys it off gray in India :P
Try sticking to factory unlocked phones.. no such hassle then.. I feel it's worth paying more for it.

That said, the unlock should come soon.. just little more time..

Sent from my T-Mobile G2.
Good news. IOS 4.2 scheduled to roll out tomorrow i.e. on Nov 7 for iPhones, iPod and iPad. Also according to dev team jailbreak(and possibly unlock) is ready for 3G and 3GS but not 4.
But no news for i4 yet. Unlock has been promised for 3G,3GS after a couple of days after 4.2 release, but nothing for the i4. D:
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