How many of you are stuck with a iphone 4 without a unlock !

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Finally got my iphone unlocked and jailbreak on 4.1
All the issues with camera roll bugs are solved and even the phone works like a charm...
Love the new 4.1 firmware...
If you guys have any problems with the unlock and jailbreak i m ready to help
I did it via tinyumbrella via mac that saved my baseband to get update....I guess its going to be out soon around 15th by this month.But will work on mac with no bugs
iOS 4.2 should be out by tomorrow. The next 48 hours should see a jailbreak for everything. Unlock should also be available along with the jailbreak barring iPhone 4.

The whole messege
Update #2: By all accounts, we’re within a few days of Apple’s official public release of Firmware 4.2. Here’s what you need to know:

* Thanks to geohot’s limera1n exploit, and our original pwnage2 exploit, and @pod2g’s ipod2g-MC exploit, absolutely all devices at all iOS firmware versions are capable of being jailbroken.

* The untethered jailbreak of those very latest FWs and latest devices depends on @comex hacks. His hacks so far extend only to 4.1 and 4.2beta3. He’s working on a way to extend it to 4.2 and beyond. Just wait for him to work out his method.

* iPhone 3G and 3GS unlockers will be covered by our upcoming unlock. Stay away from any updates to Apple FW until our official release and you’ll be okay. Just stay away from all Apple IPSWs :)

* iPhone4 unlockers are not left out in the cold. @sherif_hashim has found some very promising avenues to pursue. Those will be explored as soon as possible after all the 4.2 madness.

What does this mean to you?

* If you’re an unlocker, just stay where you are. Please, just stay where you are. Any mistakes you make now may be permanent.

* If you only care about the jailbreak and you’re absolutely sure you have your personalized 4.1 SHSH hashes, feel free to experiment but keep in mind that any mistakes you make may result in your losing pictures or notes or bookmarks that you’d rather keep. Honestly unless you love living on the bleeding edge, it’s better to just wait for official updates from Cydia/redsn0w/PwnageTool.

* Don’t buy or donate to any unlock or jailbreak scammers. Every legitimate solution you will find for unlocks or jailbreaks will be offered without an extended hand. That’s how the iPhone jailbreak/unlock community has succeeded. It’s about freedom to do what you want with your $300 device — not about donations, egos, tweets, or “interviews.”
MacStories reports that the iOS 4.2 update scheduled for tomorrow has now been delayed due to a significant bug found in the gold master build. The bug involves WiFi connection issues found by developers currently running iOS 4.2 GM on the iPad. "Basically, even if the iPad manages to successfully connect to a local network, the connection is lost after a few minutes," MacStories states. "This seems to be the most common problem among users, although some can't simply use Safari at all." This bug isn't confined solely to the iPad, either -- our own Chris Rawson noticed the same WiFi connectivity issues while running iOS 4.2 GM on his iPhone 4.

Due to this, Apple has reportedly decided to hold off on releasing iOS 4.2 while they fix the WiFi bug. MacStories' source says developers could expect a new iOS 4.2 GM release as early as tomorrow, but it will be at least another week of testing before iOS 4.2 is released to the public. It may even be another two weeks until it debuts.

Earlier this week, MacStories accurately predicted the release of Mac OS X 10.6.5, though their prediction that iTunes 10.1 was scheduled to be released on the same day didn't pan out.

UPDATE: Mark Gurman of 9to5 Mac just emailed me to point out that iPhoneHellas is reporting the delay won't be as long as expected and iOS 4.2 may be launching on Tuesday, November 16th now. Obviously, this story is still developing and the only people who possibly know for sure just how long iOS 4.2 will be delayed are the boys in Cupertino

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The Baby goes to hold Again

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MacStories reports that the iOS 4.2 update scheduled for tomorrow has now been delayed due to a significant bug found in the gold master build. The bug involves WiFi connection issues found by developers currently running iOS 4.2 GM on the iPad. "Basically, even if the iPad manages to successfully connect to a local network, the connection is lost after a few minutes," MacStories states. "This seems to be the most common problem among users, although some can't simply use Safari at all." This bug isn't confined solely to the iPad, either -- our own Chris Rawson noticed the same WiFi connectivity issues while running iOS 4.2 GM on his iPhone 4.

Due to this, Apple has reportedly decided to hold off on releasing iOS 4.2 while they fix the WiFi bug. MacStories' source says developers could expect a new iOS 4.2 GM release as early as tomorrow, but it will be at least another week of testing before iOS 4.2 is released to the public. It may even be another two weeks until it debuts.

Earlier this week, MacStories accurately predicted the release of Mac OS X 10.6.5, though their prediction that iTunes 10.1 was scheduled to be released on the same day didn't pan out.

UPDATE: Mark Gurman of 9to5 Mac just emailed me to point out that iPhoneHellas is reporting the delay won't be as long as expected and iOS 4.2 may be launching on Tuesday, November 16th now. Obviously, this story is still developing and the only people who possibly know for sure just how long iOS 4.2 will be delayed are the boys in Cupertino
All said and done this is pretty lame. I mean when GM was originally passed to the devs on November 1st apple already knew this problem as it has just not cropped up on the last minute.Also till date there has not been any official statement by apple apart from one issued in September that iOS 4.2 would be out in November. And they still have good 18 days to honor their commitment.

Also from past few days i have been looking at some of the Galaxy S and Droid X videos and look pretty awesome. For all i care i can still sell this locked bugger and get my hands on a shiny new Motorola and still have cash to spare before the unlock for this comes out.
I don't think this locked brick would sell. And after having used this, and android, i don't think i can ever go back. The android market is a total mess. Sure they are doing their best to present an integrated experience, but iOS just does it better. N i love the way iOS multi-tasks.
^ ^ Agreed. The Iphone 4 is the phone to have. Yes I used to bash it before, but that was the 3g n the 3gs variants. No phone that I have used comes close to the IP4.

The golden phone to have was the HTC HD2. And Im not sure how the hell i missed it. It can load android and windows phone 7...

But Im on the locked 4.1 / 2.10.04. And I hate to break it to you, there is NO KNOWN unlock for it currently and its still being worked on. Only the 3gs BB 5.14 has been cracked and that is what will be available once 4.2 is released.

The only hope that I have on is the ultrasn0w 1.0-2 but as of now there are no known confirmed unlocks that are going to be released once 4.2 is out (for 2.10.04). So for now, that US650 IP4 is nothing more than an over priced Ipod touch.

EDIT / PS:- Please save your SHSH blobs if you havent already, as the 4.2 upgrades the BB to 3.xx.xx
The lock iphone 4 is still worth gems,download a hd image and c thE real colours of the iphone 4
Iphone 4 is a gem...........
Any ideas when is iPhone 4 Is being launched by Indian carriers. IIRC 3GS being bought in US could be easily used in India on Airtel without the unlock.
Its out... Almost after a week... But don't update...

Incase you you don't understand then you are not realted...

Now the final wait for the Jailbreak and unlock begins...
^ Till who finds an exploitable loophole ? Geohotz ?

The dev-team already has the baseband crash ! They will start work on it as soon as they finish releasing the jailbreak and unlock tools for previous gen iPhones.
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