How much should I ask for a 32" Sony S LCD

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A friend of mine is looking for a LCD TV on a budget
I have been thinking of upgrading to a 42"

He is thinking of picking up mine, but would expect me to give him the asking price

I need to give him a fair quote

The model in question is a Sony Bravia 32S and is approx 1.5 years old

Kinda urgent, please help
i dont have any idea about second hand prices but id recommend that you get rid of it asap since the new sony models are almost here. the sony india site has already started listing the new models. this would mean that the price of your tv will go down..
this is the price of the NEW model:


* » BRAVIA Engine 3

* » Live Colour

* » Intelligent Picture

MRP Rs. 42,900 /-*

(MRP inclusive of all taxes)
32k is a bit on the higher side considering that the LCD has been used for 1.5 years.

I feel 27k is good to ask from someone you want to give a fair price to.
|Anish| said:
32k is a bit on the higher side considering that the LCD has been used for 1.5 years.

I feel 27k is good to ask from someone you want to give a fair price to.

i also feel the same ..also is there any warranty remaining , i guess none .. coz sammy comes with 1 year and same is true for sony.So 32k is pretty high , anything around 25-26k should be fine.
This model(32s310A) is phased out now, I suppose. (Even I have the same model).

Now they have 32S400A for Rs. 40k.

If I remember correctly, you bought it in Burma Bazaar for 38k ?, now its 1.5 years old and you are selling it to your friend, taking all this into consideration you can expect <25k ? (an year back I bought the same model for 31k in Burma Bazaar for my Cousin, now this model might be selling for around 25K in Burma Bazaar? you can check in the Bazaar and fix the price accordingly to your friend)
so what if its phased out? Should he just give it away for 10-15k you think?

Shouldnt the price that he bought hold any value ?
Just check if the model is still available locally/the place where you bought it from and price it accordingly .

anything between 25-28k sounds decent .:).
|Anish| said:
so what if its phased out? Should he just give it away for 10-15k you think?

Shouldnt the price that he bought hold any value ?

his tv is already out of warranty. the NEW 32S550A is already available in the grey market for less than 34k (i have just confirmed) and is a much better tv. keeping in mind that the tv is 1.5 years old and is a generation or two old, do you think 27k is a fair price? i would say 23-25k tops.

he may have bought it for whatever price, but if the prices of new tvs are falling, you have to keep that in consideration too.
I bought my laptop for 55k 3 years back. What should i ask for that now???

By rate of depreciation it should be at minimum 30k plus.

Electronics depreciate much faster then anything else. it has to be kept in mind.

@ superczar: 24k seems apt. As he is your friend you can offer him a further discount if you will.

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